Category Archives: comedy

Frotcast 281: Crybaby Startup Guy, Grammies, and Vinyl, with Jane Harrison

Comedian Jane Harrison joins Matt, Vince, and Bret this week, to talk Donald Trump, a whiny startup founder’s crybaby letter to San Francisco mayor Ed Lee, the Grammies and Johnny Depp’s “Hollywood Vampires,” Vinyl, and Chelsea Peretti at the Crunchies. Also, the sound should be better this week, I think I finally got my compression settings worked out. Hooray for #Content!
00:00 – Donald Trump’s incredible stump speeches, which are like a comedian who doesn’t try to be funny and only does crowd work. 12:15 – Understanding Trump’s appeal vis a vis political correctness.15:40 – Whiny crybaby San Francisco start-up founder writes crappy open letter to the mayor about the homelessness problem. 27:53 – Vince’s devil’s advocate theory, finding 2% of common ground with even the assholiest a-holes.42:08 – Grammy talk. Sub-question, why does everyone suddenly know what Hamilton is? 48:40 – Matt Lieb raps about Alexander Hamilton51:30 – Is Kendrick Lamar and other rap over as soon as we discover it? Discuss.59:13 – Talking Johnny Depp and the Hollywood Vampires.1:10:35 – Irish accents, for some reason.1:12:42 – We talk Vinyl, on HBO. Should Andrew Dice Clay always have just been an actor?1:18:50 – A visit from the Queen (I am sorry). 

280: Chi-Raq, with Kaseem Bentley

Spike Lee’s Chi-Raq, about a women’s movement to withhold sex to stop gang violence, is now free on Amazon Prime. And now, comedian Kaseem Bentley talking about it is free on the FilmDrunk Frotcast. Matt Lieb and Bret are also in the studio with me, Vince Mancini, for possibly the most #content-filled Frotcast ever recorded. 
3:40 – Matt Lieb tells us about what hot new jokes the comedians in LA are telling. 15:00 – Kaseem Bentley arrives, and immediately roasts Matt for not acknowledging him in McDonald’s (allegedly). 19:15 – Kaseem starts roasting everyone in earnest.25:30 – False start on Chi-raq talk, Kaseem gets distracted and starts laying into me about what a pussy I am. 31:30 – Beyonce’s alleged Red Lobster conspiracy, according to Kaseem.34:45 – The story of Stevie Wonder buying some cocaine from one of Kaseem’s friends.43:57 – We actually start talking about Chi-raq.1:01:05 – Kaseem and Matt reprise Richard Pryor and Chevy Chase, the first appearance of Matt Lieb’s new character, “Jefferson from San Rafael.”1:05:10 – More terrifying stories about Matt Lieb’s dad.1:25:20 – Kaseem may have convinced Bret that he’s been wrong about Bamboozled all of these years. 

279: Guest Matt Ufford – Hail Caesar, The Coen Bros, and the Super Bowl

Award-winning sports personality Matt Ufford (SB Nation, The Inactives podcast) joins IN STUDIO this week, to talk Hail, Caesar! (almost no spoilers) our favorite Coen Bros movies in general, and of course all the media hoopla surrounding this week’s Super Bowl, live from Super Bowl city.

278: Lieb Returns From AVNs

Matt Lieb, Bret, and Brendan are all back together for a Frotcast about Matt Lieb returning from the AVNs, R. Kelly’s amazing sex metaphors, Josef Stalin’s secret poop lab, Kevin Smith’s Yoga Hosers, and Vin Diesel at the toy fair. #Content! Enjoy our #Brand!

1:00 – Matt Lieb gets back from the AVNs.
3:45 – The story of the porn star who could only express appreciation sexually, which made him have sex with a horse.
15:30 – Matt Lieb tells us about his sad break up.
18:08 – Brendan discovers R. Kelly’s “Buffet,” and we have our minds blown.
34:55 – Is Russell Wilson a robot? We discuss the recent discovery that he complimented his girlfriend by googling “how to describe a beautiful woman” and plagiarizing the first result.
40:20 – Stalin spied on Mao by stealing his poop and having it inspected in a secret lab. Brendan obviously loved this story.
51:40 – “Kiss the ring, eat the pizza,” and other life lessons.
1:03:00 – Our most “old white guy” of segments, “Why can’t I understand what the rappers are saying anymore?”
1:07:30 – The mind-blowing plot of Kevin Smith’s ‘Yoga Hosers.’
1:16:30 – Dueling terrible British accents, starring Matt Lieb, and Brendan, as Michael Caine.

277: Justin Halpern, Laremy Talk The Revenant, Amy Schumer, and the OscarsSoWhite Oscar Boycott

The regular crew is out this week, but in their place I have Justin Halpern from Surviving Jack/Sh*t My Dad Says, and Whoop Dreams star and Seattle’s finest film critic, Laremy Legel, not to mention a boat load of #Content. We talk The Revenant, Amy Schumer, Lights Camera Jackson, the #OscarsSoWhite and Oscars boycott, the Deadpool trailer, and make fun of the Oregon militia dudes’ list of supplies. Enjoy!  

2:14 – The new paradigm of Distracted TV Watching. What shows do you watch we’re you’re actually not looking at your phone? 
4:25 – How the internet is making advertising even more terrible than before.
10:40 – We break down the “Amy Schumer Is A Joke Thief” video. 
14:50 – We discuss Lights Camera Jackson, his Amy Schumer joke, and him doing the same shtick for the last five years.
25:00 – Justin tells us about going to Kevin Bacon’s house.
31:40 – The Revenant. The bear attack and the Indian attack: when something’s badass enough that you stop caring about realism.
38:26 – Justin and I talk ‘The Witch.’ Can a period movie be *too* realistic? 
50:20 – #OscarsSoWhite. Specifically, how un self-aware do you have to be as a white person to write and “Actually” thinkpiece about which black people didn’t actually get snubbed?
56:40 – I make a case for crapping on certain movies without seeing them. 
1:01:00 – The Deadpool trailer, and the phenomenon of nailing a jokey tone without making jokes. Also, the “fantasy studio exec” phenomenon among TV and comic fans. 
1:11:00 – The Oregon militia dudes’ list of requested supplies, such as “hay” and “money.” 
1:18:00 – I finally catch up on Fargo season two, so I have a few raves, and lots of minor issues I need to bitch about. 

276: Sean Penn/El Chapo, What We Do In the Shadows, with Jane Harrison

Fresh off being named one of Podbean’s TOP 10 COMEDY PODCASTS OF 2015 (second year in a row), the Frotcast is back, to discuss Sean Penn’s El Chapo interview, The Revenant/Leonardo DiCaprio’s Oscar hunt, and What We Do In the Shadows. Guests include comedians Matt Lieb and Jane Harrison, joining Bret and Vince in the studio.

0:55 – Matt Lieb tries out a new catch phrase, with debatable success.
4:00 – Matt loved The Revenant and hated The Hateful Eight. No spoilers here.
6:50 – Does Leonardo DiCaprio want an Oscar as much as everyone assumes he does?
8:10 – Matt Lieb explains “the Pussy Posse” to Bret, much to Bret’s chagrin.
14:45 – I read my favorite bits of Sean Penn’s El Chapo interview. Matt debuts his new El Chapo character.
21:21 – “Do you think Sean Penn is really into Waking Life?” -Bret
40:00 – Charlie Sheen goes off his HIV meds.
48:33 – Smash Mouth’s incredible cover of David Bowie/Queen’s “Under Pressure.” A heated argument ensues over whether “Under Pressure” is one of Queen or David Bowie’s best songs.
1:01:00 – The shortlist of actors for Han Solo, debating the merits.
1:06:00 – Oh right, What We Do In the Shadows.

275: Making A Murderer, With Ashley Burns And Pauly Casillas

We discuss Making A Murderer, Netflix’s white hot new true crime series, with two blasts from Frotcast past: Uproxx Editor Ashley Burns (Burnsy) and Tuscon, Arizona’s freshest comedy voice, Pauly Casillas (Pauly Dangerously). Vince Mancini from FilmDrunk and Bret hold down the Frotquarters. Did Steven Avery do it? Should Brendan Dassey get a new trial? Will the pardon Steven Avery petitions make a difference? Which of these questions will we ponder before making fun of the accents and lack of underwear?

3:15 – I read our craziest Frotcast email of all time, from the guy who has apparently mentally catalogued every Jew in Hollywood and urges us to do same.
14:35 – Making A Murderer discussion begins in earnest. Bret explains why it makes him feel bad and had to stop watching.
17:35 – The formerly underrated dumb-soundingness of the Wisconsin accent.
21:00 – Burnsy on why the show is his worst nightmare, and he hates true crime.
22:30 – Living through the inevitable Internet detective and ensuing Internet reductive guy backlash.
27:20 – Steven Avery’s incredible lack of underpants.
30:30 – The incredible theory that this guy who doesn’t own underwear somehow pulled off one of the greatest crime scene scrub jobs in the history of man.
33:00 – Bret compares Making A Murderer to his disastrous bus ride.
34:30 – Jury Trial: The ultimate focus group. Burnsy explains what it’s like to be on a jury in Orlando, Florida.
37:00 – Bret explains how me breaking his nose got him out of a jury.
38:30 – We discover that in Florida courts, alligators are the judges. #SWAMPJUSTICE
52:35 – Steven Avery: Surprisingly good at pulling chicks.
54:00 – Burnsy defends guys not wearing underwear. The pros and cons of not wearing underwear.
55:14 – Pauly discusses his own trial, for assault with a deadly weapon.
58:28 – Why didn’t Steve Avery testify? Was this a good decision?
1:01:48 – Kim Jong-un was voted Best Dressed Man in North Korea for the fifth year running. Did Kim Jong-un come up with his own hairstyle or was it a stylist? 
1:10:15 – Email question from a 25-year-old virgin.

FilmDrunk Frotcast Best Of 2015 Episode

The best moments of the FilmDrunk Frotcast from 2015! Edited by Token, donate a few bucks for his time at Guests featured: Laremy Legel, OJ Patterson, Jane Harrison, Steve Post, Kaseem Bentley, Torio Van Grol, Jason Dove, and Matt Ufford.

00:10 – All the times we told Laremy to shut up.
02:25 – Bret’s Face-Turn, in which he decides to become a shill.
03:14 – Mama’s Little Piss Boy (Ep 269)
10:39 – Brandon Fromfreemont (Ep 244)
15:11 – Corporate Birthday (Ep 270)
18:09 – Bret hates Viral Marketing (Ep 241)
23:06 – Startup Castle Closes/Lieb’s Brain Feed (Ep 255)
27:29 – Uptown Girl Game (Ep 259)
33:59 – The Lieb Brother’s Shoplift (Ep 271)
44:22 – Idaho Tinder Names (Ep 256)
54:12 – Slut Shaming the Black Widow (Ep 248)
1:04:41 – The Elusive Female Urethra/Italian Fathers, Irish Mothers (Ep 272)
1:14:21 – Jaden Smith and Aerosmith (Ep 272)
1:23:21 – Office Kevin (Ep 262)
1:28:49 – 50 Shades of Lieb (Ep 238)
1:32:53 – Name of the Year Draft Bios (Ep 243)
1:36:00 – Jack White Pens a Letter/Jupiter Ascending’s Beeus Ex Machina (Ep 239)
1:40:10 – Oliver Stone’s Snowden (Ep 255)
1:48:00 – Technology of Future Past (Ep 273)
1:55:10 – The Game’s Instagram Erotic Fiction
2:05:17 – Lieb’s Brother (Ep 271)

271: Ronda Rousey’s Loss, Sibling Abuse, and Our Personal Spambots, with Kaseem Bentley

Did you do terrible things to a sibling or have one do terrible things done to you? Comedian Matt Lieb recounts the saga of his Machiavellian brother, who ridiculed his genitals, made him steal, and ruined his sketch comedy show. As an only child, I drink the pathos and schadenfreude of him and the many listeners who submitted their stories. Other topics include The Night Before (quickly diverted into a diatribe about Anthony Mackie), the Ronda Rousey fight, and our personal spam bots, which Bret has created using our Twitter archives. Spooky. Comedian Kaseem Bentley joins, back by popular demand, to go on lengthy diatribes against Terrence Howard and Hawaiian barbecue, among other things. Enjoy.

2:20 – We relive last weeks’s greatest hit, “Corporate Birthday.”
7:40 – I ask Matt and Kaseem about ‘The Night Before,’ which leads Kaseem into a long jag about Anthony Mackie being “the number one black douchebag.”
10:10 – I distract Kaseem with a question about Terrence Howard, which brings us to the story about Terrence Howard’s father killing a guy and Terrence Howard’s controversial theories about crystals and universal math.
17:05 – Kaseem outlines his theory that Terrence Howard is actually an alien who was sent through “a Negro Stargate.”
20:39 – We talk about the Rousey fight. No, Ronda Rousey did not get “exposed,” you dolts.
26:15 – Kaseem goes in hard on Hawaiian BBQ. I ask about the Nation Of Islam’s dietary restrictions.
30:52 – The Rousey fight reminded Matt of Million Dollar Baby.
39:00 – Introducing the topic of Sibling Abuse, starting with listener emails.
44:00 – Probably the most diabolical sibling torture email we received, about a brother almost drowning his younger brother, using him as bait for a pedophile, and covering him in dog poop.
48:22 – The lengthy saga of Matt Lieb’s Machiavellian brother begins.
1:03:00 – Personal Spam Bots: Following up on last week’s discussion of predictive text and Markov chains, Bret has used our Twitter archives to build us personal spam bots.
1:15:00 – Matt Lieb tells an epic story about sketch comedy and his evil brother, culminating in “Spedackle.”
1:22:55 – Matt’s story about the last time his brother punched him (while he was watching Taken), and once again diabolically neutralized his counter attack.
1:33:00 Finishing off with a few of your emails

Frotcast 268: Playboy, Justin Bieber’s Nudes, Steve Jobs, ‘Sad Bastard’ Author Lee Keeler

Bret and Brendan join FilmDrunk’s Vince Mancini in the Frotquarters as we talk to ‘Sad Bastard’ author Lee Keeler, Justin Bieber’s nudes, Playboy, the Steve Jobs movie, Greg Hardy and domestic violence, and how to get “dad woke.”

2:30 – Justin Bieber’s penis pics, and the phenomenon of celebrity parents’ saying super creepy things about their kids.
7:25 – The Tod Maffin Update! We still don’t know for certain that #Content #Marketing expert Tod Maffin is a real person and not a robot, but we love him. Somehow all of his friends all sound like Tim & Eric/Pynchon characters.
9:30 – We try to sing Nine Inch Nails’ “Closer” with our mouths for some reason.
17:35 – Lee Keeler, comedian, writer, producer, joins us to talk about ‘Sad Bastard: Practical Wisdom For the Modern A$$hole.’ The first non-aspirational men’s magazine.
41:20 – Playboy drops nudes. We discuss how advertising is building us pigeonholes and the compartmentalization of desire.
52:00 – One of our favorite subjects, Bryant Gumbel sounding like an obnoxious douche.
54:00 – Brendan leads us into a discussion of Greg Hardy and the NFL’s trouble with domestic violence. Brendan coins the term “Dad Woke.”
1:02:00 – ‘Steve Jobs,’ and Aaron Sorkin. Is there anyone else so simultaneously talented and infuriating?
1:19:15 – EMAILS. We advise a listener (probably badly) who wants to know how to hit on a girl in his film class.