Category Archives: comedy

UNLOCKED – Frotcast 618: The Inhuman Centipede, w Ed Zitron

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Fresh from the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas, we welcome PR professional, tech shitposter, computer lover, and British Guy Ed Zitron. Ed brings us up to speed on what he saw there. We talk about the stagnation of the tech industry and why everything has to have AI in it, whether we want it or not. Spoiler alert: they’re probably out of ideas.

Double spoiler alert, you can’t fuck the robots. Yet.

Ed also touches specifically on OpenAI, which is currently losing billions of dollars a year by making its lake-boiling plagiarism aggregator generate pics of bimbofied Squidward for bored thirteen year olds. Software is eating the world, indeed.

We also pour out some Mountain Dew Game Fuel for the only good website, Google Reader. RIP to a real one.

We round things out by talking about Elon’s Nazi ahem ROMAN salute. Hey, can I talk to you for a minute? Thanks. Look, we all know what we saw. Feel free to disregard anyone else who tries to tell you otherwise. Personally, I’m going to ignore him because this is just teen edgelord shit, and the only thing teen edgelords enjoy more than a Nazi salute is watching people get upset about a Nazi salute. Sell your Tesla though for real.


-Description by Brendan


Frotcast 617: The Bullshit Asymmetry Economy, w/Chris Thompson

PLEASE SIGN UP ON PATREON, EVEN IF IT’S FOR FREE! Posting everything here has become a burden, and if you’re only listening to this feed you probably aren’t getting all of the episodes. Patreon dot com slash frotcast! Sign up at Patreon to listen to this and future episodes.

Hey Frotfans, (spins chair around backwards) before we get started on today’s episode, please consider donating to Matt’s sister’s GoFundMe, as she and her family unfortunately lost everything in the recent LA wildfires.

Our guest this week is Chris Thompson from Defector, who joins us to talk about his piece investigating a mysterious Chinese concrete company-turned-metaverse provider called Color Star. This one’s got everything, folks; intrigue, alleged fraud, Spanish soccer legend David Villa, press releases, former NBA point guard Mo Evans, shady middlemen, the Philadelphia 76ers, and to top it all off, Ohio. And don’t forget the documents. Oh, so many documents.

His investigation tries to answer the question: what if a company was a concrete manufacturer that also launched a metaverse product but was also, also a concrete manufacturer. Does he succeed? We’re not really sure. Just be careful of people who amass photos of themselves with celebrities, ok?

Matt also cleans out his closet, both metaphorically a la Eminem, and literally a la Matt.

Find Chris at and nowhere else online, for the love of God. As always, thanks for listening, like, subscribe, comment, contribute to the GoFundMe and Frot on!

UNLOCKED – Frotcast 613: CEOwned, with Ben Fowlkes

PLEASE SIGN UP ON PATREON, EVEN IF IT’S FOR FREE! Posting everything here has become a burden, and if you’re only listening to this feed you probably aren’t getting all of the episodes. Patreon dot com slash frotcast! This episode is free, but Patreon subscribers saw it earlier

We welcome longtime MMA writer Ben Fowlkes (Uncrowned, the Co-Main Event Podcast) onto the show to discuss the bouquet of assaults, both sexual and conventional, that Conor McGregor has committed recently. It appears as if he went method for his role as a coked-up maniac in Road House and then just got stuck like that or something.

Next up, we talk about the United Health CEO getting murked on a sidewalk in Manhattan. Murder is very bad, but also so is letting people die to keep your company’s stock price high? Idk. However you feel about it is valid and don’t be smarmed into thinking otherwise.

Other topics include:

  • Noted Expert On Stuff Sean Penn weighing in on Hunter Biden
  • Spotify’s top podcasts (no Frotcast or Pod Yourself? Bullshit!)
  • Jeff Bezos using his app, which has been downloaded by hundreds of millions of people, to send a push notification promoting his girlfriend’s book.
    • Maybe it’s just a really good children’s book, despite her never having written a book before, and the subject being…a fly who…flew to space.
    • Fuck. This fucking sucks, man.
      • Fuck.

Check out Ben Fowlkes’ work on X THE EVERYTHING APP @benfowlkesMMA and on Yahoo Sports. Frot on!

[Teaser] The Clown Union of Reaganators, ft Zack Chapaloni

PLEASE SIGN UP ON PATREON, EVEN IF IT’S FOR FREE! Posting everything here has become a burden, and if you’re only listening to this feed you probably aren’t getting all of the episodes. Patreon dot com slash frotcast! Sign up at Patreon to listen to this episode.

Zack Chapaloni takes time out from his busy improv schedule to join us for a robust “yes-and” of Mark Wahlberg and Halle Berry’s new madcap shooting spree comedy The Union. That’s not really a joke; in between witty bon mots, Halle Hal and Marky Mark rack up a body count on par with Legionnaire’s Disease. Brendan forgets JK Simmons’ name and decides to refer to him thenceforth as JK Rowling. Matt watched about half the movie and we come to the conclusion that he really didn’t miss that much. This is an AI-ass movie, y’all. We also discuss the baffling end credits sequence and whether or not this is simply the logical result of stan culture vs. “wanting to see a good movie” (spoiler: it is).

Vince wanted to save his takes on ‘Reagan,’ the new biopic about our most AI-ass president, until the rest of us could see it, but he had to take his shirt off and go in anyway. We challenge some fundamental assumptions of the movie such as: since when does he get credit for ending the Cold War, and why should any American particularly give a shit? Plus! A helpful guide to recognizing Gorbachev in the movie if you don’t have a helpful geriatric to loudly whisper THAT’S GORBACHEV in your theater.

If you like what you heard from our esteemed guest, find Zack on his website here. Even if you didn’t you probably should, we are all desperate.

Top Chef Frotcast Post-Show S1E6, ‘Guess Who…’ w David J. Roth

PLEASE SIGN UP ON PATREON, EVEN IF IT’S FOR FREE! Posting everything here has become a burden, and if you’re only listening to this feed you probably aren’t getting all of the episodes. Patreon dot com slash frotcast! Sign up at Patreon.

David J. Roth from Defector and The Distraction joins Vince and Joey this week to discuss season 1, episode 6 of Top Chef, “Guess Who’s Coming for Dinner,” with guest judge Ted Allen!

This episode could’ve been alternately titled “Miguel’s Terrible, No Good, Very Bad Day” as it started with Miguel feeling like the whole world was against him, then he put Palmolive in the dishwasher, and then he put salt instead of sugar in his dessert, and then he ended up at judge’s table, and finally he finished things off by calling Tiffani “A snake. SSSSSS” one of the all-time most memorable Top Chef trailer clips.

Dave cried red-faced into his wine glass and lots of other stuff happened too, but the important thing is that Andrea is finally gone. My God, it feels like it took forever, didn’t it? it seemed like someone else was about to get sent home, but Andrea, who thought she was above this competition all along, basically decided to fall on her sword instead, making up some dumb bullshit about green onions on her way out. Much like Joe Biden, the best thing she did was to leave the stage. Good riddance, Andrea! Have fun pooping!

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[Teaser] The Olympics of Fast Food, w James Fritz (Frotcast 599)

PLEASE SIGN UP ON PATREON, EVEN IF IT’S FOR FREE! Posting everything here has become a burden, and if you’re only listening to this feed you probably aren’t getting all of the episodes. Patreon dot com slash frotcast! To listen to the full version of this podcast and all other premium podcasts sign up at Patreon.

James Fritz joins us in the virtual stu’ (it was supposed to be a real stu’ but Matt got a widdle sniffle). Listen as we drop bar after bar of the tightest flows ever etched on wax! YOU CRAZY FOR THIS ONE RICK!!

We uphold Frotcast tradition by going completely off the rails before we even get started. James asks Matt if he’s “a jingle man” and sends Brendan on a 20-minute reverie involving Jack Nicholson menacingly asking a guy named Matt tied to a chair if he’s “a jingle man”.

Come along with us as we discuss the ancient ideals still held forth by the purity of the Olympic Games and the eternal glory plus unlimited colonoscopies conferred upon its champions. When in Rome, indeed.

Listen as we take in the Veep-iness of Linda Yaccarino’s video in which she outlines the lawsuit Twitter is bringing against advertisers who don’t want to spend money with them. There’s also some good Louis CK “your father is dead” vibes with the hand gestures. She’s going to make a great politician. I personally cannot wait for Twitter to win this lawsuit so every company in America will be forced to spend money there, a thing that will DEFINITELY happen.

Brendan leaves soon after that because his son won’t nap and Matt gets big mad about Zionism. Idk, I think reggae is pretty cool but whatevs.

See nudes of James Fritz at his website:

Frot on!

Frotcast Top Chef Post-Show S1E3: ‘Nasty Delights’

PLEASE SIGN UP ON PATREON, EVEN IF IT’S FOR FREE! Posting everything here has become a burden, and if you’re only listening to this feed you probably aren’t getting all of the episodes. Patreon dot com slash frotcast! Sign up at Patreon.

Joey and Vince are back talking about season 1 of Top Chef. This week we’re talking about season one, episode 3 (103), “Nasty Delights,” which really is a fantastic Top Chef episode and quite possibly a big reason we still have this show 21 seasons later. Stephen Asprinio deserves his place in the Top Chef hall of fame. All-time great reality show character. The chefs had to make octopus, and then they had to make monkfish for little kids. Crazy how this episode turned out, because some people who went on to become food TV royalty probably should’ve gone home this episode. Justice for Brian! (Or, maybe not, maybe he deserved it).

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[Teaser] Matt’s Terrible, No Good, Very Bad Day (Frotcast 597)

PLEASE SIGN UP ON PATREON, EVEN IF IT’S FOR FREE! Posting everything here has become a burden, and if you’re only listening to this feed you probably aren’t getting all of the episodes. Patreon dot com slash frotcast! To listen to the full version of this podcast and all other premium podcasts sign up at Patreon.

This week on the Frotcast, Matt comes to us live from his very stressful trip to San Francisco where his car broke down in the middle of the freeway on the way to do some comedy. He ended up all sweaty up there. Our guest this week is Ryan Nanni, aka Celebrity Hot Tub, author of Assigned and co-host of the Shut Down Fullcast. Matt tells us all about his trip, we talk about JD Vance stealing Joe Sinclitico’s Frotcast bit and having sex with couches, plus we review JD Vance’s crowdwork about Diet Mountain Dew. Eventually we get around to talking about ‘Love Lies Bleeding,’ the lesbian bodybuilding movie starring Kristen Stewart I made everyone watch for some reason. Basically imagine Pain & Gain with lesbian bodybuilders. Or maybe Thelma & Louise with lesbian bodybuilders. It’s actually a bunch of things that sound intriguing and yet none of those things at all because it doesn’t feel like they finished writing it.

Frotcast 594: Bloodsuckers! Dracula (1992), with Alex Goldman

PLEASE SIGN UP ON PATREON, EVEN IF IT’S FOR FREE! Posting everything here has become a burden, and if you’re only listening to this feed you probably aren’t getting all of the episodes. Patreon dot com slash frotcast! This episode is free, but Patreon subscribers saw it earlier. 

This week, we were honored to welcome guest Alex Goldman, formerly of ReplyAll, currently of the Western Kabuki podcast and the Cool Dude Zone Substack. We discuss the reason our kids are annoying, bad vibes in the podcast industry, questions Alex would like to ask Elon Musk, and of course, 1992’s Dracula. Because why wouldn’t we discuss 1992’s Dracula? That was actually Brendan’s idea, only the bastard wasn’t here to see it through because he ended up having to parent. UGH! We discuss Monica Belucci as a sex vampire, Gary Oldman as the original steampunk f*ckboy, Keanu Reeves’ accent, and Winona.

[Teaser] What if famous novels were Maury intros (Frotcast 592)

PLEASE SIGN UP ON PATREON, EVEN IF IT’S FOR FREE! Posting everything here has become a burden, and if you’re only listening to this feed you probably aren’t getting all of the episodes. Patreon dot com slash frotcast! To listen to the full version of this podcast and all other premium podcasts sign up at Patreon.

Martin Rickman of the new newsletter Assigned joins the Frotcast this week. We’re discussing Richard Linklater’s new Netflix movie, ‘Hitman,’ starring Glen Powell. But long before we get to that, we breakdown a new Trump clip in which he ask whether it’s better to be electrocuted or eaten by sharks. There’s also a new Dane Cook project, leading us to reflect on the Dane Cook comedy-vehicle era, and a new Maura clip, which makes us try to imagine what great American novels might sound like as Maury Show intros. Finally we discuss the movie, before betting into Axe Body Spray commercials, and reminiscing about all the ridiculous companies that have advertised with the UFC.