Tag Archives: FROTCAST

Frotcast 594: Bloodsuckers! Dracula (1992), with Alex Goldman

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This week, we were honored to welcome guest Alex Goldman, formerly of ReplyAll, currently of the Western Kabuki podcast and the Cool Dude Zone Substack. We discuss the reason our kids are annoying, bad vibes in the podcast industry, questions Alex would like to ask Elon Musk, and of course, 1992’s Dracula. Because why wouldn’t we discuss 1992’s Dracula? That was actually Brendan’s idea, only the bastard wasn’t here to see it through because he ended up having to parent. UGH! We discuss Monica Belucci as a sex vampire, Gary Oldman as the original steampunk f*ckboy, Keanu Reeves’ accent, and Winona.

[Teaser] Why do Americans love bumper stickers?

PLEASE SIGN UP ON PATREON, EVEN IF IT’S FOR FREE! Posting everything here has become a burden, and if you’re only listening to this feed you probably aren’t getting all of the episodes. Patreon dot com slash frotcast! To listen to the full version of this podcast and all other premium podcasts sign up at Patreon.

David Farrier is the acclaimed documentarian behind Tickled and Mr. Organ (as well as Dark Tourist on Netflix) who also runs a newsletter called Webworm. More importantly, he has a nice Kiwi (New Zealand) accent and we’ve already established that the best qualification one can have to discuss a Martin Lawrence movie on the Frotcast is having an accent. David is here to discuss 1999’s Life, an initial flop-turned cult favorite whose director went on to die in a cocaine related celebrity basketball heart attack (before that he directed other movies I liked, like Beautiful Girls and Blow). It’s a very strange movie, sort of a Jim Crow drama turned into a comedy, but we all liked it more than we expected and it certainly wasn’t the movie we imagined. We also talked about Calvin bumper stickers and Jerry Seinfeld’s latest baffling paean to old school values.

[Teaser] The Invention of Hacky Sack

PLEASE SIGN UP ON PATREON, EVEN IF IT’S FOR FREE! Posting everything here has become a burden, and if you’re only listening to this feed you probably aren’t getting all of the episodes. Patreon dot com slash frotcast! To listen to the full version of this podcast and all other premium podcasts sign up at Patreon.

Everyone knows it’s ‘Martin May’ on the Frotcast, so this week we’re talking ‘Blue Streak’ (1999) with Alice Fraser from The Gargle. At least, we start talking about Blue Streak around the one hour mark. Before that, Matt’s child pooped in the bath, inspiring some other stories of inopportune poops, Rudy Giuliani pulls a Naked Gun by leaving his court microphone on while peeing, Ben Affleck and J. Lo are consciously uncoupling again, and former offensive lineman Brendan has finally actually seen ‘The Blind Side,’ which he dubs ‘Birth of a Lineman.’ Because it’s a racist-ass movie, you see.

[Teaser] Jerry Seinfeld Breaks His Legendary Silence On That Weird Sex Thing From His Past

PLEASE SIGN UP ON PATREON, EVEN IF IT’S FOR FREE! Posting everything here has become a burden, and if you’re only listening to this feed you probably aren’t getting all of the episodes. Patreon dot com slash frotcast! To listen to the full version of this podcast and all other premium podcasts sign up at Patreon.

Jerry Seinfeld apologizes for Bee Movie! A Bitcoin guy gives a commencement speech! Bill Burr DESTROYS Bill Maher in a Battle of the Bills! All these topics and more on this week’s Frotcast, with our guest, comedian Matt Braunger. He’s been on Rogan, which I think means we all get 10 extra dollars by association (is that how that works? We’re not good at business). Meanwhile, Martin Madness, aka Martin March, aka Martin May, continues with our discussion of the 2000 classic, Big Momma’s House. Fun fact: this movie stars THREE Oscar nominees. Not to mention Cedric “The Entertainer.”

TEASER: Frotcast 587 – ‘Unfrosted’, with Uwe Bollocks feat. The Rock’s Pee Bottle

PLEASE SIGN UP ON PATREON, EVEN IF IT’S FOR FREE! Posting everything here has become a burden, and if you’re only listening to this feed you probably aren’t getting all of the episodes. Patreon dot com slash frotcast! To listen to the full version of this podcast and all other premium podcasts sign up at Patreon.

This week the Frotcast welcomes Eric Peacock, aka Uwe Bollocks, host of the Soundtracker podcast, to discuss Jerry Seinfeld’s directorial debut, Unfrosted, a movie about the invention of the Pop Tart. And what a movie it is! We also get caught up on Dwayne The Rock Johnson’s alleged history of being late to every set and hiring his dopey brother-in-law/former assistant to run his production company. A company that’s currently $250 million in the hole in his latest terrible-sounding movie (which was the brother-in-law’s idea, by the way). ALLEGEDLY. Also, Brendan went to an ostrich farm so we talk about which large flightless birds we think we could beat up. You know, if it came to it.

UNLOCKED: Frotcast 586 – Everyone’s Mad and No One Knows Why

PLEASE SIGN UP ON PATREON, EVEN IF IT’S FOR FREE! Posting everything here has become a burden, and if you’re only listening to this feed you probably aren’t getting all of the episodes. Patreon dot com slash frotcast!

Good evening, cowards (this is a joke explained in the episode).Jerry Seinfeld says he couldn’t away with all those edgy Seinfeld episodes nowadays because people are so woke and leftist! I mean WHAT. IS. THE DEAL? We try to figure out what Jerry is angry about or if he’s even angry at all in this week’s installment of Today’s Dumb Story Everyone Is Talking About For Some Reason. Why don’t they build the WHOLE PLANE out of wokness. You also won’t want to miss the story about what Kirstie Alley’s parents were wearing when they died in a car crash. We take some time to meet the man who called his city council leaders “fat, ugly b*tches” and learn all about his tick-removing device and why he’s so mad about someone trying to fill the potholes in his Finally, we’ve got the latest in terrible AI trends, from Will.i.am’s robot cohost to a service that will automatically spam links to your product in Reddit threads. It’s a brave new world, we’re just jizzing in it.

Frotcast 575 – A Very Special Episode of the Frotcast also Saltburn, with Frotcast Brendan

Hi, Frotcast fans! We hate posting to this feed and always forget to do it. To get the latest episodes, please please please sign up at Patreon dot com slash Frotcast! You can sign up for the unpaid tier and it least be notified every time there’s a new episode. Okay, thanks!

Aaaaanyway, banger of an episode this week. Future NFL Hall of Famer Brendan (a founding Frotcast father) is back from a sojourn with some important things to say about mental health. He even brings tidings from Bret, such as “no contracts are final” and “you’ve built your own coffin made of paper.” Wise and weirdly uplifting, as always.

Oh, we also discussed Saltburn. It’s a cool movie about cool guys doing cool stuff.

Teaser: Frotcast 571, Maestro with Laremy and Sean Keane


Laremy Legel and co-host of the Roundball Rock podcast Sean Keane join the Frotcast this week to discuss Bradley Cooper’s ABSOLUTELY SUMPTUOUS biopic of composer (or is he a conductor???) Leonard Bernstein. He liked women, but also men! That brings us to all manner of related topics, such as, how you can tell when a conductor is good or bad? Our review makes up the last half of the show, and in the first half we discuss Barack Obama’s favorite movies of 2023, and compare notes on living with Bell’s Palsy. Enjoy.

Frotcast 555 – Justice for the Axe Pilot, with Francesca Fiorentini

Well hey, would you look at that, a free Frotcast! Matt and Francesca are in Fresno with Vince Mancini and do a quick little in-person Frotcast while baby Carina is asleep. We open this week discussing the pilot who chopped down a parking garage gate because it was pissing him off. He’s been charged with criminal mischief and suspended from work, but we will happily donate to his legal defense because we believe this man is all of us, fighting back against automation that doesn’t work and taking a few whacks for the human spirit. Meanwhile, we talk about what could’ve possibly made Britney Spears divorce her CGI husband and read a hilarious old profile about Mr. Spears’ two feuding Svengalis. It’s a fun time! Listen and share so we can get more piggies!

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