Category Archives: comedy

291: Captain America Civil War, with Matt Lieb and Patrick Schumacker

We dedicated an entire Frotcast to one movie this week — Captain America: Civil War! Comedian Matt Lieb (Flophouse) and TV writer Patrick Schumacker (Sh*t My Dad Says, Surviving Jack, iZombie) join Vince Mancini to talk Cap, the superhero genre in general, Marvel vs DC and everything else. Afterwards, we talk about Beyonce and Jay-Z for some reason, cheating, and the usual dose of weird sex talk with Matt Lieb. 

290: Techie Hate Bait, with Matt Lieb and Joey Avery

Everyone needs things to hate to distract them from the grim specter of death, and this week we have a perfect target: Further Future, the Burning Man of the 1%. Other topics include a first-hand account of Guns N Roses at Coachella, and Matt Lieb singing fully improvised, royalty-free music jams for our Patreon donors. Enjoy! 

5:20 – Email question: What movies do a great job nailing the setting? 
9:45 – Matt Lieb solves the mystery of what he did in my bed last week.
15:00 – Matt denies that living in LA has changed him. 
23:08 – HATE BAIT: Further Future, the Burning Man for the 1%. “Ahh, stuff to hate, the pussy of the lonely.” -Bret
35:25 – Tales from Salesforce, and their Hawaiian-themed nightmare workplace
45:47 – El Chapo flaps in for a visit. Oh how we’ve missed you, El Chapo, our favorite bird bat. 
47:40 – El Chapo sings a song about his impending marriage. 
48:48 – Joey Avery joins, to regale us with stories of Coachella as we try to feast on his youth like aphids. Also, he saw a Guns N Roses show where Axl had to sing while sitting in a chair.
1:02:16 – Royalty-free jams, with Matt Lieb, as reward for Patreon donors. 
1:08:32 – Matt Lieb sings a royalty-free “sea shanty” 

289: Kaseem Bentley and Jane Harrison

Jane Harrison and Kaseem Bentley (named one of San Francisco’s best comedians by SF Weekly) join the FilmDrunk Frotcast to discuss Game Of Thrones, Ted Cruz, and Beyonce’s Lemonade. Also, we take our first live calls listeners., Our #Brand Is #Content.

3:50 – The mystery of Matt Lieb being in my house.
9:06 – Game of Thrones talk begins (fairly light on spoilers, but if you want to skip, the segment is five minutes)
14:00 – Jane and Bret watched The Guest.
17:03 – The Ted Cruz soup story is a continuing source of fascination for us.
25:00 – Are we going to watch Captain America: Civil War? Bret and Jane talk Daredevil.
31:00 – Kaseem shows up.
43:30 – Our first live phone call! Listener calls in while watching Fathers and Daughters, starring Russell Crowe and Amanda Seyfried.
53:00 – Life advice for a listener who has just lost his virginity at 26 but is now hooking up with a girl who has a boyfriend.
1:09:59 – We talk about Beyonce’s Lemonade, in a classic, let’s-only-get-serious-in-the-last-third-of-the-Frotcast moment. Is the story real?! Did Jay-Z really cheat on Beyoncé or is she just a marketing genius?

288: Siamese Beams, with Joe Sinclitico

Imagine you’ve dedicated more than half your life to something, forgoing comfort and taking a vow of poverty only to toil in obscurity, and then one day, all your dreams come true! That’s what happened to our guest Joe Sinclitico, who’s been doing comedy for 20 years – no agent, no development deals, no sitcom guest appearances – but now, tonight, on Adam Devine’s House Party on Comedy Central, he makes his national television debut. Other topics include Billy Corgan’s appearance on conspiracy pimp Alex Jones’ radio show, in which they discuss “SJWs” (social justice warriors). A little segment we like to call “Siamese Beams.” We also talk HBO’s Clarence Thomas/Anita Hill movie, Confirmation, and answer your relationship questions. Enjoy, Frot on, and write us an iTunes review!

4:05 – Billy Corgan on Alex Jones, aka “Siamese Beams.” 
20:10 – Joe Sinclitico shows up. 
30:55 – Joe’s pitch for an untitled buddy comedy starring Osama Bin Laden and Pat Sajak. Or Pat Morita, hard to say. 
45:00 – I talk about bringing Joe to Phil Rosenthal’s house for pizza. 
1:02:40 – We talk about HBO’s new Clarence Thomas/Anita Hill movie, Confirmation.
1:15:20 – Name Of The Year Draft Update
1:19:04 – Local news story of the week: The “alcoholocaust” drinking game, a Jews v. Nazis version of beer pong. 
1:24:10 – Listener relationship question about a making a platonic friend on Tinder. Cool or not cool? 
1:36:26 – Strong voicemail in which a listener may have inadvertantly put himself on a watch list. 

287: Drew Magary, Crying Jordan, and The Legend of LaDasha

This week, we talk about the legend of LaDasha (the apocryphal little girl named La-a), the Crying Jordan meme, and welcome GQ/Deadspin columnist Drew Magary, who tells us about his Chopped win, thumb dance, his new book, and whether I can blame him for the rise of Donald Trump. Hey! Leave us reviews on iTunes! We need them to leave!

Our #Brand is #Content

2:05 – The peculiarly pervasive legend of LaDasha. 
4:00 – We asked our listeners for a “previously on the Frotcast” montage, and they came through.
7:15 – Back to LaDasha. Did Key & Peele try to pass off LaDasha as real thing that happened, or was it a knowing reference to the dumb legend they were making fun of? Discuss.
13:20 – Drew Magary of GQ and Deadspin joins us via Skype. We discuss the Crying Jordan meme, Drew’s now-famous Chopped win (and accompanying thumb dance), and his new book, The Hike (you can order now on Amazon!).
49:16 – Batman Returns, and the guy who played Lattimer in The Program doing an incredible Christopher Walken impression the entire movie. 
1:05:15 – The story of the six-year-olds writing the Zootopia critic about ruining the Tomatometer
1:16:06 – The story of the scientists who discovered that people are turned on by robot privates.

286: The Mormon Name Spelling Game, Batman V Hair, SFSU Dreadlock Fight

So much #Content this week! We talk about Batman V Superman and the movie trend of “climactic hair cutting.” Using actual Mormon names from 2015, we play the Mormon Name Spelling Game. We break down the SFSU fight over white guy dreads and cultural appropriation. But mostly we let Matt Lieb digress into weird sex stuff. 

6:50 – The “climactic hair cutting” movie cliche, and Jesse Eisenberg actually getting asked what it’s like to have to cut his hair.
14:15 – What a “previously on the Frotcast” montage might sound like. 
15:00 – Matt Lieb saw Batman V Superman (brief spoilers, we warn you before)
27:10 – The Year in Mormon Names, including the Mormon name spelling bee
41:00 – The Name Of the Year draft update and early results
52:00 – A lengthy digression about squirting and why Matt Lieb needs to watch videos of people dying after he watches porn.
1:00:00 – Emily Ratajkowski and Kim Kardashian getting topless together. 
1:10:36 – We go deep on the viral video out of SF State in which a black student confronts a white student with dreadlocks for culturally appropriating. 

285: Batman V Superman, Name Of The Year Draft, Worst 90s Songs

This episode is a feast of #CONTENT! Sh*t My Dad Says author Justin Halpern joins us to discuss Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice, and the worst songs of the ’90s, and then Brendan returns for our fourth annual Name of the Year draft. Enjoy!

1:35 – Batman V Superman talk (no spoilers). As Bret says, “that is a long dawn, my friend.”
3:00 – Justin Halpern explains what Batman V Superman-mania looks like on the Warner lot.
13:00 – Our picks for the worst songs of the 1990s. But first, Justin has an incredible Papa Roach story.
17:10 – Brendan returns! 
29:00 – Matt Lieb has some thoughts on Korn. 
42:00- Back, by popular demand, it’s the Name of the Year Draft.
1:00:00 – We talk about Katt Williams almost getting choked out by a teen.

284: How to Deal with A-Holes, with Jane Harrison and Laremy

Vince is back from SXSW, and joined by Bret and Jane Harrison (of Viceland’s Flophouse) to talk about how to deal with A-holes in a public situation, be they texting in movies or heckling at comedy shows. Seattle film critic Laremy Legel Skypes in to talk about Deadpool and other movie topics. Enjoy our #content

2:10 – Made it a whole two minutes without talking about Jane’s pussy worms from last week. Impressive!
4:00 – Janes makes fun of me for my shirt with a bear on it – we try to define what makes a silly shirt “ironic.”
10:45 – SXSW and GDC: Bret and I discuss the intense impulse to melvin nerds at tech conferences.
13:00 – Taking Skype calls on an airplane, this is the world we live in now.
15:39 – My first-hand account of Doug Benson forcibly removing a movie texter, and what that teaches us about how to deal with assholes and hecklers.
23:15 – North Korea’s super weird video of the college kid (Otto Warmbier) they sentenced to 15 years of hard labor for trying to steal a banner. 
32:00 – Jane experiments on chat roulette, which does still exist. 
34:19 – Laremy joins via Skype
36:15 – Would Queer Eye For The Straight Guy be allowed today?
37:38 – Laremy experiences San Francisco homeless. What city has the most aggressive homeless?
47:30 – Bret has no interest in Deadpool. Is he wrong? 
57:00 – Internet commenters HATE Flophouse on Viceland. Is that show a perfect storm of things internet commenters would hate?
1:06:00 – Unintentional sarcastiquotes in BBC headlines

283: The Comedians Of Viceland’s ‘Flophouse,’ the Anti-Circumcision Lobby, and ‘The Witch’

We go INSIDE THE COMEDIAN’S STUDIO this week, or inside the comedian’s flophouse, anyway, in honor of Matt Lieb and Jane Harrison’s television debuts on Viceland’s Flophouse (airs March 17th). Did you know they named the first episode after a Matt Lieb bit? He’s big time now. After that, we talk about Jane’s Bad Date with Rad Tad the Dog-Faced Bartender (and modern dating in general), discuss Chris Rock’s Oscars monologue, we try to get to the bottom of vocal anti-circumcisioners (with whom Matt recently publicly feuded), talk THE WITCH and answer your emails.

Enjoy our #Content., 415 275 0030

00:00 – SHOWBIZ: We discuss the story behind Matt and Jane’s appearance on Viceland’s new series, Flophouse.
18:11 – MODERN LOVE: Jane explains her lame date with Rad Tad the Dog-Faced Bartender, who quickly becomes a character.
28:41 – THE OSCARS: We discuss Chris Rock, Jada Pinkett, and last week’s Oscars
36:50 – EL CHAPO drops by.
40:15 – CIRCUMCISION FLAME WAR: Matt describes his recent flame war with the anti-circumcision lobby. We try to get to the bottom of this particular interest group. Is it vaguely anti-semitic? Are they cousins of anti-vaxxers and people who are into crystals? Discuss.
1:06:28 – THE VVITCH. Bret and Jane saw The Witch, and we discuss. 

282: Oscars Talk, Tyrese Gibson Is The Real-Life Zoolander, and Joanie Pepperoni

This week, on the Frotcast, we’ve got lots of hot #OSCARSTALK #CONTENT. We discuss this year’s nominees, and choose our all-time favorite and least favorite Best Picture Oscar winners. After that, we talk Tyrese Gibson and Amber Rose talking slut-shaming, and run through a brief history of Tyrese being an idiot. Finally, we discuss police foiling a murder plot using a fake hitman named “Joanie Pepperoni,” an early front runner for news story of the year. Guests include Seattle film critic Laremy Legel, and comedian Joey Avery, along with Vince, Bret, and Matt Lieb.

00:00 – We open the show calling out other movie podcasts, and bring on Laremy, who tells us about How To Be Single. 
5:15 – Laremy and I talk Hail, Caesar, which somehow leads Matt Lieb to reveal his white-hot hatred for Wes Anderson. We then debate the merits of Wes Anderson.
10:00 – Guest Joey Avery arrives in the Frotquarters.
12:17 – Laremy gets interrupted by his dog, Bugsy, who has mental problems and bites people.
17:08 – #OSCARSTALK. This week in #HOTCONTENT. We choose our all-time favorite Best Picture winner, and all-time least favorite Best Picture winners.
25:15 – Talking the OJ show brings about a brief appearance by Brandon from Fremont.
47:28 – We get rid of Laremy so we can talk about Terry Crews’ porn addiction. I was all set to make fun of him, but nope, he’s still a charming man. Matt Lieb also made a commercial with Terry Crews this week (not Chobani). 
56:00 – Tyrese Gibson is the Paternalistic Derek Zoolander Who Doesn’t Make Jokes. We discuss the Amber Rose slut-shaming clip from his new show, then go back through some of the past dumb things he’s said and wonder why anyone gave him a show. 
1:16:19 – The Ballad Of Joanie Pepperoni. Yes, a police department invented an informant known as “Joanie Pepperoni.”