Category Archives: comedy

Frotcast 405: Leaving Neverland, With George Chen And Tom Dean

This week on the Frotcast, our guests are George Chen from the Supdoc podcast (about documentaries) and Blacklist-approved screenwriter Tom Dean. Vince has just returned from seeing Captain Marvel (no there won’t be spoilers settle down) so we discuss that a little, Marvel movies more broadly, and even more broadlier: is the movie theater experience dead? In the Spielberg/Netflix Oscar fight is there someone who’s right? We discuss whether movies will eventually become opera, and finally settle in to our main topic, the Leaving Neverland documentary about Michael Jackson on HBO. After that we answer your emails about our high school bands and about the MOMO. Should that be in all caps? I’m not looking it up.

Frot on and enjoy, and subscribe to our feed on Patreon (even if you don’t support, though you definitely should!). You’ll never be lonely when you have the Frotcast.

Frotcast 404: Abducted In Plain Sight, With Francesca Fiorentini

Hello Frotland! Matt Lieb here and we’ve got your weekly fix of the Filmdrunk Frotcast. This week, we had the hilarious and beautiful and my girlfriend Francesca Fiorentini in the LA Frotquarters and we discuss everything from Jussie Smollett, Jacob Wohl, to our nice little day trip to Palm Springs that we just got back from where she and I lounged by the pool all day. She’s my girlfriend. Eventually, Vince and I discuss Netflix’s Abducted in Plain Sight about a super sexual predator who will seduce an entire family just to get to a little girl. It’s pretty amazing and horrifying. So have a listen! And give us some stars and a review on iTunes, if you want. THANKS!

Important Site News! New Episode Of Pod Yourself A Gun And Unlocked Fyre Fest Frotcast

Howdy! Just a little site news to let all the Frot fans that we have a brand new episode of Pod Yourself A Gun available here, and if you’re not already a Patreon subscriber, we’ve unlocked the the Fyre Fest episode of the Frotcast and that’s available here. Even if you’re not a Patreon Patron (and let’s be clear, you absolutely should become a Patreon Patron to get all the hottest Frot content), you should still subscribe to the Patreon feed to get the unlocked episodes right when they happen. Sorry about all the feeds! Thanks for sticking with us!

Frotcast 403: Velvet Buzzsaw, With Shereen And Anna From Ethnically Ambiguous

Happy Valentines Day to all you happily coupled lovers out there. And for the rest of you, it’s time for your weekly fix of the Filmdrunk Frotcast for you frenzied forever-alone fanatics to foam from the face over. DID YOU SEE THAT ALLITERATION?!?! Sean Penn would be proud. This week Matt and Vince welcome Shereen Lani Younes and Anna Hossnieh from the podcast Ethnically Ambiguous. Shereen and Anna join the Frotsmen to talk Velvet Buzzsaw, Dan Gilroy’s newest film in the creepy-Gyllenhaal genre about an evil artist spirit that terrorizes the art world. We also talk Sean Penn’s grating writing style, the Oscars, Vince’s hatred of art, Vince’s preposterous love for the second season of True Detective, and how Anna’s father wore Raiders gear to a funeral in Iran. It’s an excellent episode that’s equally eccentric, esoteric, and… enfinitly eccessible? Everyone should endeavor to enjoy this entertaining experience. Alliteration rules. Enjoy!

Frotcast 402: Neeson’s Folly, Feat. Burnsy, Joey Devine, And Sal Calanni

Hello my dear Frot family,

First, Vince and I would like to thank you for your years of loyal and steadfast service as listeners of the Frot. Without our legion of nearly billions of listeners we would be nothing. And without our Patreon donors we would literally be dead. We would be destitute — our clothes in tatters, our bellies distended, and you would be ashamed to greet us on the street. So we thank you from the bottom of our hearts for keeping us alive with your patronage. Never forget that it is YOU that makes America great. And to show our gratitude we have added brand new Patreon tiers for those of you who want to get more from your donations. Check it out here!

Anyway, we got another brand new episode of the Frotcast for your young supple minds to feed upon. This week, Matt and Vince are joined by the incomparable Ashley Burns who was more than pleased to give some sound parenting advice. Also gracing the Frotquarters were comedians Sal Calanni and Joey Devine. In this episode you’ll hear an incredible discussion about how Liam Neeson once yearned to commit a hate crime, Virginia Governor Ralph Northam once embodied a hate crime, and Steven Seagal once created a musical hate crime with his reggae track “Me Want The Punani.” It’s a fabulous episode and you should give the Frotcast a positive review and 5 stars on iTunes.


Introducing: Pod Yourself A Gun, A Sopranos Podcast From Matt And Vince

Welcome to Pod Yourself A Gun: A Sopranos Podcast, where every week comedians Vince Mancini and Matt Lieb (of the Filmdrunk Frotcast) take you through each episode of the most important TV show ever made. In this pilot episode of Pod Yourself A Gun, we discuss the pilot episode of The Sopranos with TV critic Alan Sepinwall who has literally written the book on The Sopranos (okay, co-written), The Sopranos Sessions, available now at book stores everywhere. We dissect every facet of the pilot, from the original Father Phil Intintola, to the objectively terrible Sopranos theme song. It’s just plain awful. It’s barely music. What does “born under a bad sign with a blue moon in your eyes” even mean? Anyway, hope you enjoy the episode as much as we enjoyed making it. And if you don’t enjoy it, va fangool.

400: Jake Weisman From ‘Corporate’ And Alison Stevenson

Holy hell, gang, can you believe we’ve done 400 episodes of these?? What is that, like 17 straight years of podcasting? With that much pod time is it any wonder that one original host has died and another gone into hiding?

Anyway, we didn’t plan a massive, self-indulgent extravaganza episode to celebrate, but it is a pretty damn good episode nonetheless. We have actual TV star Jake Weisman from Comedy Central’s Corporate (season two premieres tonight!), who joins us to talk about creating the show, the despair of working, and he and I being the first two people on the internet to admit hating Three Billboards. Oh, and about that time he wrestled a heckler on stage and a bag of cocaine fell out of the guy’s pocket.

Comedian, writer, and Thicc Strip pioneer Alison Stevenson also returns, to talk about the high-highs and low-lows of the stand up life, and to yes-and all of Matt Lieb’s jokes. Hooray! You’ll never be lonely when you have the Frotcast.

Frot on and enjoy, support the Patreon, and PLEASE, leave us a review on iTunes.

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Jason Momoa in Aquaman, via Warner Bros

Frotcast Bonus: Matt And Vince Review ‘Aquaman’

Jason Momoa in Aquaman, via Warner BrosMerry early Christmas, Frot fans!

This week we’ve got a bonus FREE EPISODE. Matt and I review Aquaman, which we were both surprised to find that we actually kind of liked a lot. Yes, there are spoilers, but probably not ones you would care hugely about. The movie doesn’t feel that spoil-able.

Areas of discussion include: how did our preconceived notions stack up to the finished film, and where did those preconceived notions come from? Did Aquaman just build the character around Jason Momoa’s actual personality? We also delve into Jason Momoa’s dopey charm, the big oafish jock you really want to befriend you for some reason. From there we get into the superhero movie’s obsession with monarchy, Willem Dafoe dressed like a geisha, water-driven technologies, and the aesthetic of excess.

Does Aquaman deserve a production design Oscar? And moreover, did DC finally stumble onto a tone that actually both works, and differentiates them from Marvel? And is a background making horror movies, like Aquaman director James Wan has, the best training for a superhero movie? If you want more movie reviews like this, subscribe to our Patreon, at You’ll never be lonely when you have the Frotcast.

398: Live From Foodbeast! (But Not Live)

If the Frotcast sounds mad profesh this week it’s because we were down in Santa Ana recording in a real studio — well, a real business, anyway — at Foodbeast HQ. Sitting in with Matt and Vince were Geoff Kutnick (second from right) and Elie Ayrouth (left) from Foodbeast and Uproxx Life editor and author of Danger Gang and the Pirates of Borneo Steve Bramucci (next to Vince). We talked about how Foodbeast came to be, the boys’ favorite Taco Bell orders (shout out to Mountain Dew Baja Blast), and of course plenty of movie topics. Those include who’s going to host the Oscars now that Kevin Hart did a gay joke in a tweet seven years ago, Kevin Smith’s thriving crying-after-trailers business, food porn in movies, Crazy Rich Asians, and more. And of course we manage to fit in plenty of stupid accents along the way. Why? I don’t know why. There is no why on the frotcast.

Donate at and leave us a review on iTunes! You’ll never be lonely when you have the Frotcast.