Tag Archives: TEASER

TEASER: Live Riff of Double Team, Get It On Patreon!

This bonus episode of the FilmDrunk Frotcast is available exclusively to our $20 Patreon subscribers. You can add our premium content to your regular podcast feed!

This month on the Frotcast, for our live riff episode (in which we do commentary over a B-movie, an idea that has never before been attempted), we’ve chosen the 1997 action classic Double Team. It stars the extremely then-current combination of Dennis Rodman and Jean Claude Van Damme — the Worm and The Muscles From Brussels, together at last. Will there be basketball jokes? Will there be an excruciatingly long training montage in which Jean Claude Van Damme does the splits for some reason? Look, I don’t want to spoil it. Joining us this week is your old friend Joe Sinclitico (Adam Devine’s House Party, Comedy Juice).

Double Team, which definitely sounds like a pornographic movie title, is available to stream for free on Showtime or for $2.99 on Amazon Prime. We didn’t want you to have to spend additional money on it but I think you’ll agree that this was a hard target to pass up. Ooh, Hard Target, that’s another solid Van Dmme title.  Fodder for next month’s live riff, perhaps? Anyway, massive thanks to our premium subscribers for whom all this is possible and without whom we would not do it. Tell your dumb friends to subscribe at patreon.com/frotcast, so they too might sup from the goblet of live riffs.

TEASER – Frotcast Bonus: Vince at Sundance

Here is just a taste of our Patreon-Only episode of the Frotcast where Vince goes to Sundance.

Hey frotcast patrons! It’s that time of year again where Vince Mancini leaves the comfort of the Frotquarters and treks on up to Park City, Utah for the very important Sundance Film Festival. This week, Vince regales Matt with tales of the festival and talks about some of the movies he saw including one where Michael Keaton did 9/11 or something. They also talk about Bulletproof 2: the sequel nobody asked for and nobody wanted but was made anyway because that’s just how shit works out sometimes. Listen now!



TEASER: Frotcast Live Riff Of Cobra, Starring Sylvester Stallone

On this month’s Frotcast live riff episode, we’re riffing on Cobra, the 1986 Sylvester Stallone classic that apparently began as Beverly Hills Cop and ended up as Cannon Films exploitation movie in which Sly takes out a whole gang of axe-wielding rapists. The full episode is available to our $20 Patrons. Join us? You know you want to!

This week’s Bonus Frotcast and all Bonus Frotcasts are available at Patreon.com/Frotcast. You can add our premium feed to your regular podcast app.

Teaser: Matt And Vince Talk ‘Parasite’

This week’s Bonus Frotcast and all Bonus Frotcasts are available at Patreon.com/Frotcast. You can add our premium feed to your regular podcast app.

On this week’s bonus Frotcast, Matt and I are discussing what seems objectively to be one of the year’s best films, Parasite from Bong Joon Ho. A family of grifters (the Kims) lives in a semi-underground apartment where they steal wifi and have to chase away drunks trying to piss on their windows, until they find a rich family (the Parks) who just might be their meal ticket — provided the Kims can con their way into the Parks’ home and into their hearts. There’s only one thing standing in their way: some other poor people. It’s a comedy of a manners, it’s a class story, it’s weird as hell sometimes and super funny, we loved it. We’re discussing all the things you may have missed and reading Armond White’s review to find out why he’s one of two negative reviews on RottenTomatoes for it.

TEASER – Joe and Vince Talk ‘Rambo: Last Blood’

In this week’s bonus episode, Joe Sinclitico joins Vince to discuss Rambo: Last Blood, a stupendously racist, fantastically gory rape-revenge fantasy that seems to be aimed squarely at the Dads-who-watch-knife-smithing-shows-on-the-History-Channel demographic. Or as Joe likes to think of it, Home Alone for psychotic preppers. Naturally, we had a good time with it. We discuss Stallone’s refreshingly honest takes on HGH and his preternatural understanding of the average America bro-CHUD brain, and marvel at the myriad ways Mexican drug cartel soldiers can be brutally murdered on screen with rebar and punji sticks. You truly do not want to miss this one.

TEASER: Matt And Vince Review ‘IT Chapter Two’

To hear the full episode, subscribe at Patreon.com/Frotcast. You can add our premium feed to your regular podcast app.

Hey everyone! It’s finally here! And by “it” we are talking about “It” the movie not “it” as in the way teens talked about sex in the 80s. Unlike Vince who is a philistine, Matt has actually read the novel It by Stephen King and has a lot of thoughts about how books are better than movies. In general, Matt and Vince discuss everything from clowns being scary, to redheads being in movies all the time, to Stephen King’s ideas being the product of cocaine. It’s a really great episode and I’m not just saying that because I am one of the two hosts of the show.

TEASER: Live-Action Matt And Vince Review ‘The Lion King’

If you want the full episode, subscribe on Patreon dot com slash Frotcast! You can add your premium content to your regular podcast feed!

Here it is, folks, our POSITIVELY NO SPOILERS review of the new “live-action” remake of The Lion King, starring live-action, photoreal versions of Matt and Vince. I’m just kidding about the spoilers thing, you actually can’t spoil this movie because it’s basically a shot-for-shot remake of that cartoon we all know and loved from 1994. We loved it because of the totally authentic African music recorded by famous African musicians Elton John and Tim Rice. Will the remake be as good? Well, nothing improves a cartoon like PHOTOREAL LIONS, I always say. Topics include:

-When you say Jon Favreau “directed” this, what does that actually mean?

-Why don’t the lions have dicks?

-How did Billy Eichner manage to transcend this format that destroyed everyone else?

-No but seriously, why don’t the lions have dicks?

-Who decided that the lions shouldn’t have dicks and why?

-Are we too hung up on the lion-dick thing?

Frotcast Bonus: Matt And Vince Discuss ‘Yesterday’ (TEASER)

In this week’s bonus review episode, Vince and Matt discuss ‘Yesterday,’ a movie directed by an Oscar winner (Danny Boyle) and written by an Oscar nominee (Richard Curtis) in which one Indian-British busker is the only one on Earth who remembers The Beatles. First, Matt details the shocking similarities between this premise and a premise he wrote years back as a movie within a movie that was considered the worst movie idea ever. Then we discuss how a premise this good (it’s true, I love this premise!) could turn out this bad (boy was it bad!). And then there was the agony of leaving the theater only to discover that most of our fellow theater patrons apparently loved it! We felt like the only people on Earth who remembered how terrible Yesterdaywas. Yes, this episode was a long and winding road. Vince’s written version of the review lives here.

Please to enjoy, tell you friends, and you’ll never be lonely when you have the Frotcast.

Frotcast Live Riff Episode, Limitless With Joey Devine And Alison Stevenson (TEASER)

For this month’s bonus live riff, the FilmDrunk Frotcast has selected Limitless, the original (lol, kinda?) “what if hunnert percent brain?” classic from 2011. It’s a film that plays like the screenwriter took a bunch of Adderall and wrote a film about SUPER Adderall that gives you superpowers. What if Bradley Cooper took Adderall? Would he court Lady Gaga even more meticulously? Turns out he mostly just gets a haircut and puts on a new suit, transforming himself from David Foster Wallace into Bradley Cooper, handsome movie star.

Joining us on this adventure are Joey Devine from the Roundball Rock podcast and Alison Stevenson of V Single. This is just a teaser, but you can get the entire episode by subscribing to our Patreon at the $20 level. That way you can hear our entire live riff of Limitless PLUS Matt telling the full story of finding out an ex was cheating on him from hearing her on a podcast. What a fun episode! Totally worth your donation! You’ll also get to hear all of our movie review podcasts. You’ll never be lonely when you have the Frotcast.


Sophie Turner as Jean Grey, courtesy of Fox

Frotcast: Vince And Joe Sinclitico Review ‘Dark Phoenix’ (TEASER)

Sophie Turner as Jean Grey, courtesy of Fox

Joe Sinclitico joins to discuss this week’s movie, Dark Phoenix. Subscribe to get the full episode at Patreon.com/frotcast. You’ll never be lonely when you have the Frotcast.