Category Archives: comedy

TEASER: Live-Action Matt And Vince Review ‘The Lion King’

If you want the full episode, subscribe on Patreon dot com slash Frotcast! You can add your premium content to your regular podcast feed!

Here it is, folks, our POSITIVELY NO SPOILERS review of the new “live-action” remake of The Lion King, starring live-action, photoreal versions of Matt and Vince. I’m just kidding about the spoilers thing, you actually can’t spoil this movie because it’s basically a shot-for-shot remake of that cartoon we all know and loved from 1994. We loved it because of the totally authentic African music recorded by famous African musicians Elton John and Tim Rice. Will the remake be as good? Well, nothing improves a cartoon like PHOTOREAL LIONS, I always say. Topics include:

-When you say Jon Favreau “directed” this, what does that actually mean?

-Why don’t the lions have dicks?

-How did Billy Eichner manage to transcend this format that destroyed everyone else?

-No but seriously, why don’t the lions have dicks?

-Who decided that the lions shouldn’t have dicks and why?

-Are we too hung up on the lion-dick thing?

Frotcast Bonus: Matt And Vince Discuss ‘Yesterday’ (TEASER)

In this week’s bonus review episode, Vince and Matt discuss ‘Yesterday,’ a movie directed by an Oscar winner (Danny Boyle) and written by an Oscar nominee (Richard Curtis) in which one Indian-British busker is the only one on Earth who remembers The Beatles. First, Matt details the shocking similarities between this premise and a premise he wrote years back as a movie within a movie that was considered the worst movie idea ever. Then we discuss how a premise this good (it’s true, I love this premise!) could turn out this bad (boy was it bad!). And then there was the agony of leaving the theater only to discover that most of our fellow theater patrons apparently loved it! We felt like the only people on Earth who remembered how terrible Yesterdaywas. Yes, this episode was a long and winding road. Vince’s written version of the review lives here.

Please to enjoy, tell you friends, and you’ll never be lonely when you have the Frotcast.

Frotcast Live Riff Episode, Limitless With Joey Devine And Alison Stevenson (TEASER)

For this month’s bonus live riff, the FilmDrunk Frotcast has selected Limitless, the original (lol, kinda?) “what if hunnert percent brain?” classic from 2011. It’s a film that plays like the screenwriter took a bunch of Adderall and wrote a film about SUPER Adderall that gives you superpowers. What if Bradley Cooper took Adderall? Would he court Lady Gaga even more meticulously? Turns out he mostly just gets a haircut and puts on a new suit, transforming himself from David Foster Wallace into Bradley Cooper, handsome movie star.

Joining us on this adventure are Joey Devine from the Roundball Rock podcast and Alison Stevenson of V Single. This is just a teaser, but you can get the entire episode by subscribing to our Patreon at the $20 level. That way you can hear our entire live riff of Limitless PLUS Matt telling the full story of finding out an ex was cheating on him from hearing her on a podcast. What a fun episode! Totally worth your donation! You’ll also get to hear all of our movie review podcasts. You’ll never be lonely when you have the Frotcast.


Frotcast 412: Euphoria with Allison Mick

What’s up Frot fam! Matt Lieb here and holy hell do we have some amazing #content for you to #engage with this week. San Francisco comedian Allison Mick has moved to Los Angeles and there’s no better welcoming party than visiting the LA Frotquarters to rip hollywood fail-children Max Landis and Sam Levinson. This week we discuss HBO’s zoomer porn Euphoria, Max Landis’s most recent rape allegations, and Matt’s trip to New York – where dozens of Frotcast fans showed up to a slew of bar shows to show their support for our aging brand. We also read some e-mails and listen to some voicemails from Frot listeners who are inexplicably still Frotting with us after all these years. It’s a beautiful episode and you should listen to it.

Also, please donate to our Patreon if you want to listen to us review movies. We k

Frotcast 411: It Puts The Dramamine In The Basket, With Kaseem Bentley, Aviva Siegel, And Jon Schabl

This week, The Last Black Man In San Francisco hits theaters, and while we don’t have anyone from that movie, we have Kaseem Bentley — “the last black man in San Francisco” was his brand for years! Kaseem has an album out, Lakeview, and we kick off the show with him roasting the Frotcast. We also have two brand new guests in the studio, comedians Aviva Siegel and Jon Schabl, who if I’m not mistake is our first live Canadian.

We break down the press conference of the Arizona helicopter pilots apologizing for spinning that lady around real fast (this week’s best viral video) and discuss the guy who got pissed about not getting invited to a Star Wars thing (as I’ve said, living in LA is 85% wondering why you didn’t get invited to a thing). We even squeeze in some time for your emails, a Royalty Freestyle, and some classic texts from Bret. Please to enjoy, you’ll never be lonely when you have the Frotcast.

Sophie Turner as Jean Grey, courtesy of Fox

Frotcast: Vince And Joe Sinclitico Review ‘Dark Phoenix’ (TEASER)

Sophie Turner as Jean Grey, courtesy of Fox

Joe Sinclitico joins to discuss this week’s movie, Dark Phoenix. Subscribe to get the full episode at You’ll never be lonely when you have the Frotcast.

Frotcast 410: Never Go Full Loqueesha, With Matt Ufford And Harry Moroz

This week on the Frotcast, founding editor of WithLeather and WarmingGlow Matt Ufford returns to tell us about his new ESPN gig and the joy of not having to be a writer anymore. Comedian Harry Moroz also returns, in a spirited ‘cast about the overabundance of Game Of Thrones takes, and of course the new indie film trailer that has everyone talking, Loqueesha, which may or may not have been selected to screen at the San Luis Obispo Film Festival. We’ve also got a brand new Crystal Corner starring Dennis Rodman — is he secretly working for the CIA? — and we read your emails about hilarious, Name of the Year Draft-worthy names you’ve encountered, and answer your thorny relationship questions. Email us at and subscribe to our Patreon, You’ll never be lonely when you have the Frotcast.

Frotcast 407: Name Of The Year Draft, With Josh Androsky And Brendan

Salutations Frot-nation!
It’s time for another regular ol’ boring episode of the Filmdrunk Frotcast… or IS it? It’s NOT! A regular ol’ boring episode, I mean. It’s not that. Because this week Matt, Vince, and Brendan (via Skype) got together for the annual NAME OF THE YEAR Draft, in which we read through Deadspin’s bracket of the world’s best/worst names and giggle uncontrollably. Listen at your own risk, and try not to Jizyah Shorts.

Our guest this week is Josh Androsky (@shutupandrosky) – a democratic socialist, comedian, and winner of a million dollars on a Big Bang Theory slot machine. We talk about everything from “what’s it like to win a million dollars?” to “can I have some of the million dollars?” and much more! Oh, we also talk about how Joe Biden is a creep and possibly some sort of robot. It’s one hell of an episode and you should really listen to it, and then give the Frotcast 5 stars and a review on iTunes because we need it.

Frotcast 406: Triple Frot-tier, With Joey Devine And Zach Johnston

Hi Frot family!

It’s that time of the week again where Vince and I regale you with our wit and charm regarding everything from film to anatomy. That’s right, it’s time for you weekly dose of potent, high octane, 99% pure, uncut Frottage. This week, we have Joey Devine of the NBA podcast Roundball Rock gracing the frotquarters as well as UPROXX’s own Zach Johnston. We discuss a wide array of topics, starting with Shane Dawson’s vehement denial that he had sex with his cat, to the recent This American Life in which Jon Ronson gets the skinny on the true origin story of Alex Jones, who told everyone in high school that he was the devil. Then we discuss the thing that literally everyone comes to the Frotcast to listen to… movies. Specifically, we talk the new Netflix film Triple Frontier starring Ben Affleck and Oscar Isaac. And finally, Matt Lieb (me) bring back Royalty Freestyle. Not that it ever left, but Vince and I have sworn to get back into the swing of doing it every episode. You do not wanna miss this one. You’ll never be lonely when you have the Frotcast.