Category Archives: comedy

Frotcast 421: Gender Fluid On My Billy Dee, With Anna Valenzuela And Zack Chapaloni

We recorded this podcast on Tuesday night, so keep that in mind when you listen to Matt Lieb predict the news cycle of the “Billy Dee Williams is gender fluid” story — none of the stuff he predicts had happened yet! He even anticipated a Jung quote! It’s very impressive. Anyway, this was a fun old school podcast with all of us in the same room cracking wise and having fun, with guest comedian Zack Chapaloni and Anna Valenzuela from the Brujaja podcast. Other topics include, encountering “hoes” in the wild, Tomi Lahren’s brand of athleisure wear, Clint Eastwood’s directorial output, “fake news,” people trying to substitute liking fancy sneakers as a personality, and Matt trying to get fired again. Update: Matt has since been fired! Great job, Matt! No one gets fired like you do, buddy.

We finish things off with your emails and voicemails. Don’t forget to subscribe for our bonus content on, and love yourself. You’ll never be lonely when you have the Frotcast.

Frotcast 420: A Very Sugar Ray Breakup, With Jason Webb And Chase McNeil

That’s right, we’ve reached 420 Frotcasts! Almost as nice as when we hit 69. Sadly Matt has more than a decade sober and I could not convince him to get “hella baked, bro” in honor of this arbitrary milestone. What we do have for you is an action-packed episode featuring everyone’s favorite Southerner, Jason Webb, and fresh-faced Frotcast virgin Chase McNeil. That’s the Frotcast for you, full of farts and in your hearts.

This week we’re discussing how the gig economy has finally come to the world of (psuedo?) celebrity. Can you guess how much it costs to get Sugar Ray frontman Mark McGrath to break up with your boyfriend for you? It’s less than you think! We also talk about how you have to go see the Sonic the Hedgehog movie now to reward the studio for spending millions to appease the fans. Matt got to see the downsides of being a huge star like Michael Rapaport when he opened for Rap this weekend, and later he tells us how he hates his job and spends at least 10 minutes trying to get fired. We get a late start on Hunter Biden being the greatest failson of all time, and Donald Trump helps us win the war on Thanksgiving.

Every morning there’s a Frotcast hanging in the corner of my girlfriend’s four-points bed... Please subscribe to our Patreon for #BONUS #CONTENT including our live riff of Cobra at You’ll never be lonely when you have the Frotcast.

TEASER: Frotcast Live Riff Of Cobra, Starring Sylvester Stallone

On this month’s Frotcast live riff episode, we’re riffing on Cobra, the 1986 Sylvester Stallone classic that apparently began as Beverly Hills Cop and ended up as Cannon Films exploitation movie in which Sly takes out a whole gang of axe-wielding rapists. The full episode is available to our $20 Patrons. Join us? You know you want to!

This week’s Bonus Frotcast and all Bonus Frotcasts are available at You can add our premium feed to your regular podcast app.

Frotcast 419: Trapped In A Lighthouse with Brendan

Keepin’ secrets, are ye?? That’s right, this week on the Frotcast we’ve reunited with our old pal Brendan to discuss a film that’s firmly in the Frotcast wheelhouse. I’m talking about The Lighthouse, starring Willem Dafoe, who Brendan once imagined had a “gnarled penis” and has long been one of his favorite impressions, behind Michael Caine and Mark Ruffalo. Brendan also had a nautical childhood in which his father taught him the NATO alphabet and forced him to sail. When he texted me about The Lighthouse I had to look up what “scrimshaw” was. How is it in Matt’s wheelhouse? Well, it turns out it’s basically an entire movie about a guy who is mad because he’s so horny. Matt hates being horny! He also loves parroting movie lines of old-timey curmudgeons and in William Dafoe’s “wickie” he has found his new Daniel Plainview.

SPOILERS! SPOILERS! SPOILERS! Yes, this episode has lots of “spoilers.” Personally I think The Lighthouse is impossible to spoil and you’ll be fine if you haven’t seen it, but I don’t want anyone whining. It would’ve been weird not to discuss “plot points,” because The Lighthouse has like three of them and they don’t really matter. In any case, listen at yer own risk, ye dogs.

We wrap things up with your voicemails and some texts from Bret. Now, time to drink exactly one beer and call 911.

Teaser: Matt And Vince Talk ‘Parasite’

This week’s Bonus Frotcast and all Bonus Frotcasts are available at You can add our premium feed to your regular podcast app.

On this week’s bonus Frotcast, Matt and I are discussing what seems objectively to be one of the year’s best films, Parasite from Bong Joon Ho. A family of grifters (the Kims) lives in a semi-underground apartment where they steal wifi and have to chase away drunks trying to piss on their windows, until they find a rich family (the Parks) who just might be their meal ticket — provided the Kims can con their way into the Parks’ home and into their hearts. There’s only one thing standing in their way: some other poor people. It’s a comedy of a manners, it’s a class story, it’s weird as hell sometimes and super funny, we loved it. We’re discussing all the things you may have missed and reading Armond White’s review to find out why he’s one of two negative reviews on RottenTomatoes for it.

UNLOCKED: Frotcast Live Riff Over ‘Tiptoes’

Hey Frot fam, this month for the monthly Frotcast super bonus riff episode [NOW FREE], Matt and Vince welcome Jason Webb, Matt Curry, and Jacob Sirof to the Frotquaters to riff over the cult classic Dwarf-sploitation disaster film “Tiptoes.” You’ve probably seen the trailer for tiptoes circulating around the internet. If you haven’t, check it out here!

The cast of this film is stacked: Kate Beckinsale, Matthew McConaughey, Patricia Arquette, Peter Dinklage (who inexplicably plays his entire role with a French accent), and Gary Oldman PLAYING A DWARF! Weirdly, Oldman’s dwarfface performance might be the least offensive thing about this film. It’s an absolute disaster in every sense of the word – like if an Oscarbait film were directed by Tommy Wiseau. You’ll laugh, you’ll cry, you’ll wish you’d been drowned at birth.

Frotcast Bonus: Jojo Rabbit, With Matt And Vince

This week’s Bonus Frotcast and all Bonus Frotcasts are available at You can add our premium feed to your regular podcast app!

Jojo has an imaginary friend, and get this: it’s ADOLF HITLER. That’s right, on this week’s bonus Frotcast, Matt and I are discussing Taika Waititi’s Jojo Rabbit, which is basically Wes Anderson’s Moonrise Kingdom, only with Nazis instead of boy scouts. Oh, and also the Drop Dead Hitler thing. We discuss whether Scarlett Johansson’s character is brilliant or obnoxious, whether we enjoy watching stories about little kids in love, what a Nazi comedy should look like, and pitch our ideal version of this movie, where it’s just about Sam Rockwell’s character getting wild in the dying days of the Third Reich. Please enjoy and subscribe! Let the Frotcast be your imaginary Hitler.

Joker Image via Warner Bros

Frotcast 418: Eh, I’m Joakin’ Here, With Joey Avery

This week, the San Diego Hammer, Joey Avery returns to the Frotcast to help Vince and Matt sort through our Joker feelings and ask how we managed to avoid getting shot in a spree-killing by some Joker-inspired incel. So this Joker movie… we kinda liked it? That topic takes up the bulk of our time, but we also spare some time to discuss Terrence Howard at the Emmys last week, and some of his incredible discoveries in the realm of mathematics, astronomy, particle physics, and… uh… horticulture? He opened up the flower of life, we know at least that much. Joey has a new comedy album out (Junior Varsity, by Pier 69!) so be sure to check that out, and in related news, Joey recently met his spiritual sibling, Urijah Faber, the most chilled out surf bro ever inducted into the UFC hall of fame. Hope you like this episode! Be sure to join us on Patreon at for all the bonus content, including this month’s live riff of Tiptoes.

Email us at, voicemail at 415 275 0030.

You’ll never be lonely when you have the Frotcast.

TEASER: Frotcast Live Riff Of Tiptoes, With Jacob Sirof, Jason Webb, and Matt Curry

This week’s Bonus Frotcast and all Bonus Frotcasts are available at You can add our premium feed to your regular podcast app!

Hey Frot fam, this month for the monthly Frotcast super bonus riff episode, Matt and Vince welcome Jason Webb, Matt Curry, and Jacob Sirof to the Frotquaters to riff over the cult classic Dwarf-sploitation disaster film “Tiptoes.” You’ve probably seen the trailer for tiptoes circulating around the internet. If you haven’t, check it out here!

The cast of this film is stacked: Kate Beckinsale, Matthew McConaughey, Patricia Arquette, Peter Dinklage (who inexplicably plays his entire role with a French accent), and Gary Oldman PLAYING A DWARF! Weirdly, Oldman’s dwarfface performance might be the least offensive thing about this film. It’s an absolute disaster in every sense of the word – like if an Oscarbait film were directed by Tommy Wiseau. You’ll laugh, you’ll cry, you’ll wish you’d been drowned at birth.

Death Of Dick Long Still courtesy A24

TEASER: Matt And Vince Talk The Death Of Dick Long

This week’s Bonus Frotcast and all Bonus Frotcasts are available at You can add our premium feed to your regular podcast app.

A few weeks ago I drove across town into the teeth of five o’clock traffic and saw a movie that instantly put me in a good mood — no small feat! That movie was ‘The Death Of Dick Long’ and it was so good that I demanded Matt see it to prove that I wasn’t crazy. Turns out, we both loved it, so much that we had to do a podcast about it. What do most movies about rural goofballs get so wrong and how does ‘The Death Of Dick Long’ get it so right? Why does this movie remind us so much of going to The Gathering Of The Juggalos a few years back? Discover the answers to these questions and more (what is the meaning of life? why am I here? why does the caged bird sing?) on this week’s B-B-B-B-B-B-BONUS FROTCAST! Check out ‘The Death Of Dick Long’ when it opens this weekend (if it’s playing near you) and remember: you’ll never be lonely when you have the Frotcast.