Category Archives: comedy

Frotcast 311: The Ballad Of Ken Bone (With Matt Lieb & Joe Sinclitico)

This week on the Frotcast, we decided to talk about Ken Bone. His story seems emblematic of some of the worst of the internet, where we decide you’re a certain thing one day and celebrate you for it, and then the next day try to destroy for not being that thing we decided you were good enough. This leads us into So You’ve Been Publicly Shamed, Justine Sacco, and Melissa Villaseñor. After that we talk some Westworld, diverge into “grab that pussy”-gate, and finish off discussing the Amanda Knox documentary on Netflix. This week’s Frotcrew includes Brendan, Flophouse comedian Matt Lieb, and Joe Sinclitico from Adam Devine’s House Party. Enjoy, and Frot responsibly. 

Intro – Be warned, Matt brought his slide guitar this week. 
23:00 – Talking Jon Ronson’s ‘So You’ve Been Publicly Shamed’ and Justine Sacco.
41:40 – Justine Sacco gets us to talking about Melissa Villaseñor’s “problematic tweets” controversy.
54:50 – Brendan has some fire takes about Westworld 
1:10:21 – Talking “Grab That Pussy”-gate and whether we have some kind of grab that pussy moment. 
1:29:00 – Discussing the Amanda Knox Netflix doc and wanting to punch Nick Pisa.

Westworld, Dreamforce, and the VP Debates (Frotcast 310)

Comedians Joey Avery and Jane Harrison join Vince Mancini in the Frotquarters with Flophouse’s LA Matt (Matt Lieb) blooping in through Skype. This week, we’re talking the season premiere of Westworld on HBO. Yeah or nah? What’s up with Ed Harris’s character? Is Anthony Hopkins a great actor or is he just great at playing Anthony Hopkins? Also, the big Salesforce circle jerk, Dreamforce is in San Francisco this week, and Joey even had a comedy gig during an afterparty. So we rip on Salesforce and tech for a while. We also get into the VP debate, introduce a brand new segment of Crystal Corner, and answer your emails. Enjoy!

The Debate, Matt Lieb’s Anti-Semitic Girlfriend (Frotcast 309)

Comedians Matt Lieb and Joey Avery are in the Frotquarters this week, to talk about the first presidential debate between Trump and Hillary, the saga of Matt Lieb’s possibly Anti-Semitic Bumble girlfriend, and this week’s homoerotic job postings (as well as a discussion of homoeroticism in general, which we’re all, not shockingly, in favor of). Oh, and how the South is apparently in the midst of a clown epidemic. Enjoy!

3:05 – The job listing of the week: for a “dude focused” #content editor, written so that it sounds like a Manswers segment. 
11:20 – In praise of homoeroticism
17:10 – Matt Lieb’s story of his “worst-ever dating experience.”
46:30 – Thoughts on the first presidential debate between Trump and Hillary
1:29:15 – Pepe the Frog Meme, and how it relates to previous discussions about trying to “poison pill” your #content
1:37:21 – The Clown Epidemic 

Snowden, Back From TIFF (Frotcast 308)

This week on the Frotcast, LA Matt aka Matt Lieb returns from his ban to join Vince, returning from TIFF (the Toronto International Film Festival) to talk Adrien Grenier’s NY Mag profile, Snowden and Oliver Stone, Nate Parker and Birth of a Nation, and of course perform a few segments of the “Royalty Freestyle.”  Brendan joins about 30 minutes in. We’re sorry. 

The Nice Guys, The Night Of, And Elizabeth Holmes (Frotcast 307)

This week, we discuss Shane Black’s recently-released-on-DVD stooge noir, The Nice Guys, starring Russell Crowe and Ryan Gosling. Is it an action movie? A comedy? Does believability matter? Is Ryan Gosling playing Wile E. Coyote? We ponder all those questions as well as our recent news obsessions, like the cinematic rise and fall of Elizabeth Holmes and Theranos, Apple headphones, and The Night Of. Panel includes comedian Joe Sinclitico from Adam Devine’s House Party, and Joey Avery, fresh off his one-episode arc on Fox’s Coupled. 

4:45 – Elizabeth Holmes and the incredible story of her $9 billion fake tech company
10:00 – Elizabeth Holmes’ insane voice
18:50 – Joe tries to show Joey his future in comedy
28:47 – In praise of Brooklyn, and arthouse movies that are more than what you’d imagine
36:00 – The Nice Guys
42:41 – A digression into The Night Of
50:30 – Are we bored of “big action sequences” because we’re getting old or because they’re less novel now? 
58:30 – News story of the week, the USA Freedom Girls getting stiffed by the Trump campaign
1:10:35 – Abbreviated emails and Crystal Corner, including The Ballad Of Big Dick Pierre 

Point Break Vs The Point Break Remake (Frotcast 306)

Is the original Point Break a classic? Is it a good-good movie, a good-bad movie, or a bad-bad movie? And what does that say for the remake? Critics didn’t like the original that much when it came out, but by the time the remake came they were calling it a masterpiece. What does that say for the remake? Will it eventually be respected? We ponder all these questions and more, with the help of guest Francesca Fiorentini from AJ+. Comedian Joey Avery is sitting in for Bret this week, with Brendan and Vince returning. We also talk the hottest Colin Kaepernick takes, Crystal Corner, and your emails. 

Mad About The Internet, with Werner Herzog (Frotcast 305)

With Werner Herzog’s new internet documentary, Lo And Behold: Reveries Of The Connected World expanding this week, the Frotcast is all about the internet. We discuss the actual documentary as well tangents from it. The internet is one the most scalable technologies ever created, but did our humanity scale with it? In Don’t Woke Daddy, we discuss “the satire paradox,” and Malcolm Gladwell’s recent critique of SNL’s Sarah Palin sketches and Steven Colbert. Are we actually trying to change anyone’s mind or just make people laugh? After that, Crystal Corner. Apparently “mysticore” is the new normcore. Hooray for CHAOS MAGICK. Comedian Jane Harrison guests, with Irregular Regular Matt Lieb joining Vince, Bret, and Brendan via Skype. 

Frotcast 304: Ryan Lochte and French Connection

This week on the Frotcast, Matt Lieb, Bret, and Brendan are all back in the studio for a discussion of William Friedkin’s The French Connection (1971). Are the cops supposed to be heroic? Is this the best car chase in cinema? What is about a hyper-focused narrative that’s so compelling? All that and more, but first, we talk about Ryan Lochte and his Brazilian robbery (“hobbery”) story and Matt’s in-character appearance (as “LA Matt”) on North Carolina local news. We’ve also got Matt Lieb Improvises Lyrics To Royalty-Free Songs (aka “Royalty Freestyle”), Tales From NPR, Crystal Corner, and a second week in a row where I spend five minutes trying to explain to one of my co-hosts who Miles Teller is. Enjoy. 

Frotcast 303: Suicide Squad And Development Hell, With Justin Halpern

We all saw David Ayer’s Suicide Squad this week, which wasn’t great, but is strangely fun to dissect. We discuss the strange development of Suicide Squad, then Justin Halpern comes on to tell us his own strange development stories, from Sh-t My Dad Says to present, along with a great story about John Slattery from Mad Men. We finish things off with Crystal Corner, and “Fill My Hole,” in which we name things to watch, read, and listen to, to fill the emptiness inside. Enjoy! 

6:15 – My defense of my mild positive Suicide Squad review
15:00 – How Suicide Squad is bad, and yet the typical nerd criticisms of it are all wrong.
19:35 – Talking Jared Leto’s performance, the explanation of the Joker’s dumb grill, and how happy Jared Leto makes us. 
22:40 – Movies that are Suicide Squad but better
25:00 – The list of Jared Leto’s favorite books
34:00 – Justin Halpern comes on, interrupting our musical segment
43:00 – Arguing over who has the weirder mouth, Michael Phelps or Andrew Luck
46:30 – The idea of having to sell a creative project after you’ve stopped believing in it.
48:00 – Justin’s wonderful John Slattery story. 
52:15 – The insane development story behind Nine Lives
1:18:00 – Crystal Corner

Frotcast: The Reboot Episode (302)

It’s the reboot episode, where The Frotcast becomes simply “Frotcast.” Clean, rad, powerful. Hey, remember your childhood? It’s back! This week on Frotcast, we’re talking all about nostalgia — reboots, prequels, gender swaps, and homages — starting with Stranger Things. Is it even an homage or is it just a fun show? Then, Sympathy For The Drivel, where we name our favorite prequels and try to decide what other thing could use a prequel. Regulars Vince Mancini, Bret, and Brendan are in the Frotquarters this week, with Irregular Regular Matt Lieb joining via phone (LA Matt, #Squib). Old favorite Laremy Legel even drops by with a list, and Millennial Correspondent Joey Avery pops in to explain why Millennials aren’t having the sex anymore. 

6:25 – Stranger Things (no spoilers!)
16:44 – Matt Lieb’s tragic story about being left out of the “suck and blow” game in seventh grade
18:30 – Does a bland or simple narrative help world building/execution
21:12 – The Night Of (again, no real spoilers)
30:00 – Sympathy For The Drivel
37:30 – Jared Leto corner
48:00 – “Okay, Shut Up,” with Brendan’s choice, The Naked Gun
54:22 – The new bumper for Matt Lieb Improvises Lyrics To Royalty-Free Songs (followed by him actually doing a song)
1:02:00 – Email question: What music did you listen to as a youth that you still do, and what did you grow to love?
1:13:13 – Laremy Legel joins us with a brand new list