Category Archives: comedy

379: Brendan Returns! With Yusef Roach

This week on the Frotcast, it’s co-host Brendan’s triumphant return from fathering children. Brendan joins the irregular regular Matt Lieb and Vince, with returning guest, comedian Yusef Roach. Yusef just got fired, possibly for social media reasons, so we ask about that, and then I play all my favorite football reality shows for ex-NFL Europe player Brendan. Can you predict the moral of the bad football coach parable? After that we talk “Bitch I’m a Cow,” the song of the Summer, and we all watched the 1993 classic The Fugitive. Is it the best cast movie ever made? We also talk awards shows, Colin Jost, and more. Enjoy and Frot on — donate to our Patreon at, and help out Yusef at

378: Jason Statham Wins The Shark Oscar, With Adam Tod Brown And Stephen Furey

This week on the Frotcast, Adam Tod Brown from Unpopular Opinion and Stephen Furey from Follow That are in the studio to talk about Tomi Lahren’s cocaine tweets, Alex Jones’ shadowban, the new Oscar for “popular” film, the pitch for The Meg, and Sorry To Bother You. All that AND the Royalty Freestyle. Enjoy and frot on, donate at and thanks for being our online friend.

5:20 – Tomi Lahren does coke wrong

7:28 – Welcoming all our new ex-Inforwars listeners

13:50 – Discussing the new “popular” film Oscar

16:25 – Matt pitches ‘The Meg’

35:48 – Sorry to Bother You

1:11:00 – Royalty Freestyle


377: Tom Cruise’s First Adult Film, With Joe Sinclitico And Sal Calanni

This week’s Frotcast… well, let’s call it “expansive.” Comedians Joe Sinclitico and Sal Calanni join Vince and Matt in the Frotquarters. We finish off with some Royalty Freestyle, but before we get to that, we’re talking about another YouTube star tanking at a comedy festival, porn (sorry), Generation Wealth, Blindspotting, and whether Tom Cruise has ever seen a movie or watches porn.

12:30 – YouTube guy bombing

35:00 – A lengthy digression into “adult film”

45:00 – Blindspotting and gentrification

54:00 – Has Tom Cruise ever seen a movie?

1:16:00 – Royalty Freestyle!

1:19:00 – A song for Patreon donor Tobias W

1:22:00 – A song for Michael U

1:23:00 – A few attempts at a song for Joanne M

Aquaman in Justice League via warner bros

374: Injustice League, With Jeff May

Aquaman in Justice League via warner bros

This week on the Frotcast, we’ve got comedian Jeff May from Tom & Jeff Watch Batman on to discuss Justice League, which we finally made it all the way through after falling asleep two or three times. Worth it? (It’s currently free on HBO). We also discuss James Gunn getting fired by Disney thanks to a letter writing campaign organized by an accused rapist, and the Georgia Assemblyman who resigned after Sacha Baron Cohen tricked him into shouting the N-word and being incredibly racist 16 or 17 times. That Cohen, such a trickster. Also best wishes to overdosee Demi Lovato from ex-heroin addict Matt Lieb. Eat the rich, eat that butt. Much love and Frot on, donate at

Sacha Baron Cohen talk begins around minute 15.

Justice League talk begins around 42 minutes.

373: Book Of Henry, With Yusef Roach And Harry Moroz

This week on the Frotcast, me (Vince Mancini) and Matt Lieb are in the Frotquarters, joined by comedians Harry Moroz and Yusef Roach to talk about one of the most baffling movies of the last few years: Colin Trevorrow’s Book of Henry. It seemed timely, as Trevorrow recently claimed that Book of Henry is a “carbon copy” of A New Hope, the first Star Wars movie. Also, it’s on HBO Go now. Besides that, we learn about how Yusef grew up idolizing Jack Sparrow living in the Caribbean, how Harry grew up short and horny in Michigan, and typical Matt Lieb facts about how he has sex with inanimate stuff. Also we answer your curiously earnest emails!, 415 275 0030. Enjoy and Frot on.

ANNOUNCEMENT – 373: ‘Book Of Henry,’ With Yusef Roach And Harry Moroz (Early Access For Patreon Subscribers)

This week on the Frotcast, me (Vince Mancini) and Matt Lieb are in the Frotquarters, joined by comedians Harry Moroz and Yusef Roach to talk about one of the most baffling movies of the last few years: Colin Trevorrow’s Book of Henry. It seemed timely, as Trevorrow recently claimed that Book of Henry is a “carbon copy” of A New Hope, the first Star Wars movie. Also, it’s on HBO Go now. Besides that, we learn about how Yusef grew up idolizing Jack Sparrow living in the Caribbean, how Harry grew up short and horny in Michigan, and typical Matt Lieb facts about how he has sex with inanimate stuff. Enjoy and Frot on. This episode is available now for Patreon subscribers here.


Frotcast 372: Matt Lieb Goes To VidCon, With Drew Platt

This week on the Frotcast, Matt Lieb is back in the studio after getting mobbed, okay mostly yawned at, by Tweens at VidCon, the nation’s foremost gathering of massive celebrities whose fame is confusing for anyone over 20. Comedians Drew Platt and Joe Sinclitico are also in the Frotquarters, to talk about Hereditary and The Incredibles 2, and the joy of watching influencers bomb at stand up. Later we bring on Bobby Roberts from The Portland Mercury to update us on the Star Wars fan backlash situation, including their latest “Declaration,” the Declaration of virgIndependence, as I like to call it. As always, smash that like button, fam, donate to us on Patreon and leave us a review on iTunes so we can keep showing up in them charts and rule the world.

371: Gotti, And Incredibles 2: Unlikely Thirst Trap, With Jim Van Blaricum

This week on the Frotcast, I’m walkin’ heah! Which is to say, we’re talking Gotti, the first mob movie directed by E from Entourage and apparently written by a bot. Former comedian and current owner of Bernadette’s, the dumbest bar in LA, Jim Van Blaricum joins Vince and Matt in the Frotquarters this week. Other topics include: Vince’s trip to the Aspen Food and Wine Classic, The New Yorker’s horny review of The Incredibles 2 (The Incredibles 2: Unlikely Thirst Trap), and a $350 chocolate bar that says “FARTS.” Frot on and enjoy, donate at

Frotcast 369: Fahrenheit 451 (2018) with Red Scott and Jeff Anaya

This week on the Frotcast, comedians Red Scott and Jeff Anaya join Vince and Matt Lieb in the Frotquarters to discuss HBO’s remake of Rad Bradbury’s Fahrenheit 451 starring Michael B. Jordan and Michael Shannon. Other topics include the Royal Wedding, vocal tics of liberal talk radio, PFT Commenter, and of course, the Royalty Freestyle, in which Matt tries to improvise song lyrics on the fly to royalty free songs. This week, a baby announcement! Enjoy, Frot on, do it for the #content, and don’t forget to donate at

3:00 – Vocal tics of liberal talk radio
19:08 – We get a visit from “Liam Hemsworth”
25:00 – Discussing Fahrenheit 451. Is… it just that the book is bad? Is the movie worse than the book or accurate?
39:50 – “Michael Shannon” pops by
52:08 – Your emails. One about an awesome otter experience, and a question about PFT Commenter getting “doxxed” this week.
1:11:01 – Royalty Freestyle, including songs for $10 Patreon donors Ed and Kim, Ryan Mc, and Wes R.

Frotcast 368: ‘Meatballs 2: Meat Too,’ With Ben Fritz And Francesca Fiorentini

This week on the Frotcast, Francesca Fiorentini and Matt Lieb from AJ+ join to discuss our haters, the IDF, and Donald Glover’s “This Is America.” I also interviewed Ben Fritz about his new book, The Big Picture, in which he explains the reality of the era of franchises and branded content, and how it came to be this way. It’s a pretty solid listen for anyone who’s ever wondered “why doesn’t Hollywood have any new ideas?” After that, we discuss the Bill Murray “classic,” Meatballs (1979), which I told everyone to watch mistakenly believing it was a classic. …It is not. Though it does lead us into general dicussion of Summer camp, and naturally Matt has embarrassing stories. Enjoy, engage, and Frot on, donate at