Category Archives: comedy

397: The Boys Are Back, With Laremy And Joe Sinclitico

Do you like bad accents and wild tangents? You’re in luck! That’s right, baby, the Frotcast is back! Our old friend Laremy Legel, co-star of the world famous documentary Whoop Dreams, is back in the Frot orbit this week, joining Matt, Vince, and Joe Sinclitico. We discuss Kevin Hart hosting the Oscars, Matt Damon, the idiocy of awards season horserace coverage, Peter Jackson’s WWI documentary, and by popular demand, the mom who named her child “Abcde.” Oh, and the world’s highest-paid YouTuber, a seven-year-old (this is true, sadly). Enjoy, Frot on, and check out our Patreon for even more #Content. You’ll never be lonely when you have the Frotcast.

396: Das Crapital, With Paul Palmeri And Francesca Fiorentini

Comedian Paul Palmeri and Bitchuation Room host Francesca Fiorentini stop by this week to talk about NPR firing their film critic David Edelstein over his bad Last Tango In Paris joke, and bad NPR comedy in general. Also, why does the punishment seem so much worse when the person actually apologizes lately? We discuss screenwriter Terry Rossio saying calling someone “anti-vaxx” was like calling them the N-Word. We also dig into the “tankie” phenomenon and the left’s small but exhausting pedant wing. We also answer your listener emails and voicemails. Matt and I recorded a new review for the Patreon donors this week but you can’t listen to it yet (still embargo’d)., 415 275 0030,

Matt and I argued about whether this episode should be titled “Das Crapital,” in honor of Matt’s butt eating, or “Da’s Kapital,” in honor of *terrible Irish accent* “Be a good boy ‘n go foight yer da’.” That’s just a little inside baseball for you.

395: Jeff May And Jessica Sele

Comedians Jessica Sele and Jeff May return to the Frotcast this week, joining Matt and Vince to discuss the morality of committing hate crimes on a videogame and the mommy blogger who lamented her youngest child not getting as much engagement as his siblings. What kind of future have we wrought? We also get into an uncharacteristically long discussion about Batman. Also, Matt watched The Snowman. Enjoy, Frot on, and don’t forget to support the Patreon, we got lots of extra content this week, including Vince and Matt reviewing The Ballad of Buster Scruggs.

Bonus Frotcast: Welcome To Hell World, With Luke O’Neil

This week is absolutely BURSTING with #CONTENT! Here, I interview writer at large Luke O’Neil about Hell World, the literary newsletter that’s #disrupting the entire #internet ecosystem (or at least, is a way for a good writer to make some extra cash writing good work for people who like reading good work). Luke and I reminisce about the pre-clickbait blogworld internet, bitch about the current state of internet content, and dream of a better future. Other topics include: which sucks more, being in a band or being a comedian?

Originally we were going to include this as part of this week’s Frotcast, but Luke and I were having a good time so we went a little long, so I left it all and decided to release it as a separate bonus Frotcast. You’ll still get this week’s regular Frot, plus a new movie review for the Patreon subscribers. Frot on and thanks for the memories.

Bonus Frotcast: ‘Widows,’ With Joe Sinclitico

It may look like we only did one Frotcast this week, but actually we did two. The other one is a review pod, with me (Vince) and Joe Sinclitico discussing Steve McQueen and Gillian Flynn’s Widows. That’s available here for our Patreon subscribers. Don’t you want to support the Frot? Yeaaaah, you do, you know you do. Seriously though, your support means a lot. AND the more you support us, the less we have to worry about dumb crap like making the show clean enough for advertisers or not getting in trouble at our other jobs (imagine if Bret could’ve been able to make pod, paranoia free… the impossible dream…).

Anyway, money means independence. Paying for content means independent content. Thank you all immensely for your support. Thank you for helping to make the world safe for honest #content.

Frotcast 394: Go Fight Yer Dah, With Joe Sinclitico And Jane Harrison

Seamus! Be a good boy and go ‘n fight yer dah!

This week on the Frotcast, comedians Joe Sinclitico and Jane Harrison return to the show to talk about the Crooked Media/Facebook kerfuffle, discuss Creed II and Michael B. Jordan’s ripped body, Joe getting violated by his dog as a boy, and whether I have to kill Matt now because he won a journalism award for his dumb show as if I haven’t been writing on the internet for 11 goddamned years. Oh hey, did I type that? Pardon me, that was a hand fart. Totally not bitter over here. Anyway, we finish things off breaking down the acting attorney general’s patent for a toilet for guys with big dicks and Matt does the Royalty Freestyle. Jeez, do you guys hear these songs? I guess they’ll give a journalism award to anyone these days.

393: The Seed Bearers, Sean Keane And Johnny Taylor Jr.

Happy Election Day, Frot fam! To celebrate our glorious democracy, we’re releasing this new podcast, which has not a single moment of election coverage or commentary. Guests Johnny Taylor Jr. (Bummin’ With The Devil) and Sean Keane from Roundball Rock join Vince and Matt to discuss the recently-announced list of Avatar sequels (including “The Seed Bearer”), Matt patting doggies in Red Dead Redemption, Pete Davidson’s latest waaaacky shenanigans, and Jordan Peterson’s all-beef diet, which cured his lupus and allows him to see through walls. Matt also debuts his new character, “Matt Lieb’s imagined public persona.” I think it’s his best yet!

So Frotters, thank you for coming on this journey of self-discovery with us. If you’re feeling generous, please give us a review on itunes, and definitely support our Patreon to get all that delicious bonus #content, lum lum lum lum.

392: Hot Wet America MAGAchuds, with OJ Patterson and Jessica Sele

Happy Halloween Frot family! It’s time for another SPOOKtacular episode of FilmDrunk FRIGHTCast and boy do we have a treat and/or trick for you! Our guests are Jessica Sele aka Jessica SQUEALY and OJ Patterson aka GOREnthal James Patterson! We talk about everything from Megyn Kelly being fired for loving blackface to Japanese heavy metal. We discuss the shanking death of Whitey Bulger in prison which leads to Matt talking about the GHASTLY subject of elder abuse.

It’s a TERRORific episode and you just tell all of your friends to listen! (Matt Lieb wrote this terrible episode description)

TEASER: 391, Kissing The Tip, With Mike Mulloy And Joe Sinclitico

Howdy, Frot fans! This bonus episode is currently available to our Patrons, at
FROTCAST 391: Kissing the Tip with Joe Sinclitico and Mike Mulloy

Sup Frot fam! Specifically the patreon-subscriber subsection of the Frot fam! It’s time for your double dose of content of the FilmDrunk Frotcast and boy have we got one hell of a bonus episode for you! This week Joe Sinclitico returns along with first time guest, comedian Mike Mulloy. We discuss a wide range of topics: from the break up of Pete Davidson and Ariana Grande, to Joe and Matt’s reoccurring dream of autofellatio. Also Vince and Matt watched Girls Trip together and discuss the film juuuust long enough for this podcast to still be considered a film podcast. We also talk about the movie Halloween at some point which quickly degrades into a discuss about how hot Jamie Lee Curtis was in the movie True Lies. Eat the beans, my dudes. Eat. The. Beans. (-Matt Lieb)

390: Riley Breckenridge From Thrice, Name Whether That Tune Is Christian


Riley Breckenridge from Thrice and the Productive Outs podcast joins us this week, joining returning guest Joey Avery, aka The San Diego Hammer, comedian and host of the Chubbies podcast. Naturally we ask Riley all about being a rock star and dealing with major label nonsense and he regales us with stories of being flown to New York to get shaded by LA Reid.

We talk about the new radio ad for Republican congressman French Hill of Arkansas, which uses exaggerated black dialect to compare justice Brett Kavanaugh’s treatment to black men in the Jim Crow era after white women “cried rape,” and warns black voters to stick with Hill lest lynching make a comeback (points for boldness, I guess).

We discuss A Star is Born, which I sort of like but Matt, in a shocking turn of events for an avowed shill who loves to cry, hates with a fiery passion (I used a picture of A Star Is Born at the top here instead of Riley because we couldn’t afford the Getty Image). Who could’ve guessed?

Finally, we play our newest Frotcast game, “Name Whether That Tune Is Christian” (or “God Rock Or Fraud Rock,” as Matt wants to name it), in which the panelists wager on how few seconds of a song they need to hear in order to determine whether or not that song is Christian. “Christian” being here defined as an artist who has “Christian” in the first line of their Wikipedia description or songs on the Christian charts (that is, they have to advertise as Christian).

Frot on and enjoy, support the Patreon, and PLEASE, leave us a review on iTunes.