Category Archives: comedy

UNLOCKED: Matt And Vince Review ‘IT Chapter Two’

This episode was available weeks ago to our Patreon subscribers. Become one today at You can add our premium feed to your regular podcast app.

Hey everyone! It’s finally here! And by “it” we are talking about “It” the movie not “it” as in the way teens talked about sex in the 80s. Unlike Vince who is a philistine, Matt has actually read the novel It by Stephen King and has a lot of thoughts about how books are better than movies. In general, Matt and Vince discuss everything from clowns being scary, to redheads being in movies all the time, to Stephen King’s ideas being the product of cocaine. It’s a really great episode and I’m not just saying that because I am one of the two hosts of the show.

Frotcast 417: Eating Crickets With The Kendall Roy Hive, Feat. Jane Harrison

Cancel Culture! Is it real? Is it to be feared? How many racial slurs are comedians allowed to make on podcasts before becoming unemployable? That’s right, this episode of the Frotcast is all about WHERE. YOU. STAND. on the latest CULTURE WAR ISSUES facing COMEDY TODAY! Just kidding, we mostly find the whole Shane Gillis thing extremely exhausting and so we switch to topics more our speed, like Succession, why Matt and Jane aren’t watching Righteous Gemstones even though it’s an objectively wonderful show, and why so many ladies have a curious crush on Kendall Roy. Also, Matt couldn’t get the SD card on his recorder to work and searched all through his parents’ house for a new one but all he found was his mom’s vibrator, which is why Matt’s audio sounds kind of bad this week and also why Matt is a dirty little sex piggy. Meanwhile, we talk about Matt’s five jobs and why eating crickets on the internet is way better than being on SNL. In Jane Harrison’s return, she talks about getting a new cat even though her last cat tried to    kill her. Are Jane’s cats Kendall Roy? SO MUCH MORE. Please to enjoy and subscribe, for the bonus episodes, you’ll never be lonely when you have the Frotcast.

TEASER – Joe and Vince Talk ‘Rambo: Last Blood’

In this week’s bonus episode, Joe Sinclitico joins Vince to discuss Rambo: Last Blood, a stupendously racist, fantastically gory rape-revenge fantasy that seems to be aimed squarely at the Dads-who-watch-knife-smithing-shows-on-the-History-Channel demographic. Or as Joe likes to think of it, Home Alone for psychotic preppers. Naturally, we had a good time with it. We discuss Stallone’s refreshingly honest takes on HGH and his preternatural understanding of the average America bro-CHUD brain, and marvel at the myriad ways Mexican drug cartel soldiers can be brutally murdered on screen with rebar and punji sticks. You truly do not want to miss this one.

TEASER: Matt And Vince Review ‘IT Chapter Two’

To hear the full episode, subscribe at You can add our premium feed to your regular podcast app.

Hey everyone! It’s finally here! And by “it” we are talking about “It” the movie not “it” as in the way teens talked about sex in the 80s. Unlike Vince who is a philistine, Matt has actually read the novel It by Stephen King and has a lot of thoughts about how books are better than movies. In general, Matt and Vince discuss everything from clowns being scary, to redheads being in movies all the time, to Stephen King’s ideas being the product of cocaine. It’s a really great episode and I’m not just saying that because I am one of the two hosts of the show.

Frotcast 416: More Matrix Movies, Fewer Jeffrey Epsteins, with Casey Ley

Hello all you lovely Frotcast listeners, Matt Lieb here. It’s been over a week since we last Frotted together and trust me when I say we’ve missed you just as much as you’ve missed us. SO MUCH HAS HAPPENED: movie news has happened, internet beefs have come and gone, sexual predators who were once alive are now mysteriously dead, Vince went to Australia and became a man. And on and on it goes. Luckily, we had Joe Sinclitico and comedian Casey Ley in the Frotquarters to make sense of it all for us. You might remember Casey from our Super Bonus Riff episode of the Frot where we watched Weekend At Bernie’s. If you haven’t listened to that episode, you should.

Here’s just a brief overview:

-Jeffrey Epstein’s suicide

-Vince’s trip to Australia where he decides to go full Borat voice

-Matt had internet beef with a Cosby Truther

-Was Jeffrey Epstein murdered?

-Another Matrix movie?

-Casey Ley is not suspicious of Epstein’s untimely death

Spider-Man goes to Sony!


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Frotcast 415: Once Upon A Time In Frottywood

This week on the Frotcast, we took one of our very special movie episodes that are usually only available to the Patreon subscribers and made it free for all the fans. Our topic this week? Quentin Tarantino’s Once Upon A Time In Hollywood. That’s right, this week’s Frotcast harkens back to a simpler time when the Frotcast actually attempted to discuss movies. And this week, for better or worse, we actually succeeded.

With Once Upon A Time In Hollywood, there’s actually a lot to discuss. Like, is this the least plotty Tarantino movie ever? And how about that ending, did it make the movie or was it just Tarantino going back to being Tarantino after seemingly evolving for the previous two hours? Also, what were we to make of Brad Pitt’s character’s past? Was he intended as an antihero or just a super cool guy who maybe also did some pretty messed up stuff? We get into whether Once Upon A Time is reactionary, and of course discuss the backlash over the Bruce Lee scene and Margot Robbie-didn’t-get-enough-lines gate.

We get pretty serious, but we’re still us, so we left plenty of time to discuss a porn star’s incredible obituary and whether Aaron Carter has been flipping rescue dogs to make ends meet.

UNLOCKED: The Wiener-Less Lion King, With Live-Action Matt And Vince

Here it is, folks, our POSITIVELY NO SPOILERS review of the new “live-action” remake of The Lion King, starring live-action, photoreal versions of Matt and Vince. I’m just kidding about the spoilers thing, you actually can’t spoil this movie because it’s basically a shot-for-shot remake of that cartoon we all know and loved from 1994. We loved it because of the totally authentic African music recorded by famous African musicians Elton John and Tim Rice. Will the remake be as good? Well, nothing improves a cartoon like PHOTOREAL LIONS, I always say. Topics include:

-When you say Jon Favreau “directed” this, what does that actually mean?
-Why don’t the lions have dicks?
-How did Billy Eichner manage to transcend this format that destroyed everyone else?
-No but seriously, why don’t the lions have dicks?
-Who decided that the lions shouldn’t have dicks and why?
-Are we too hung up on the lion-dick thing?

For more content like this right when it happens, subscribe to the Frotcast on

TEASER: Hobbs And Shaw Bonus Frotcast With Matt And Vince

This is a bonus episode! Subscribe and get the full episode at! You can add our premium feed to your podcast app.

We’re back with another banger of a movie review! This week, we saw the Fast and Furious franchise’s spin-off feature Hobbs & Shaw – starring Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson and Jason “The Chimney Sweep” Statham. It was two hours and infinity minutes of non-stop action and roast jokes from two of the franchise’s favorite funnymen. No Vin, no Luda, no Tyrese, NO PROBLEM! The plot is simple enough: Hobbs and Shaw must work together to stop Idris Elba from stealing a virus that will wipe out most of humanity and save a hot spy from certain doom without showing titties or penetration. This episode is extremely spoiler-laden so we are issuing a formal SPOILER ALERT for those of you who love movies but can’t seem to remember even the most basic of plot twists. For those of you who don’t care about spoilers, you can pretty much guess everything that happens minute by minute.

We discuss this movie and the franchise as a whole in this episode so you DO NOT want to miss it. Frot on, my dudes and lady dudes.

Larry the Cable Guy And Cara Whitney 2009

Frotcast 414: Larry The Cable Wife’s Horse Prayers, With Dan Ozzi And Ryan Papazian

Were you aware that Larry The Cable Guy’s wife wrote a book of horse prayer? It’s called Unbridled Faith: 100 Devotions from the Horse Farm, and we share this discovery on this week’s Frotcast. Joining us in the Frotquarters this week are music writer Dan Ozzi, formerly of Vice/Noisey, now writing a book on punk, and comedian Ryan Papazian, Matt’s former co-host on Where Eagles Dare, a now defunct podcast about punk. Naturally we tell some Danzig stories, but also discuss Comic-Con and the new trailers for Top Gun, the Tom Hanks Mr. Rogers movie, and of course, Cats, the trailer that single-handedly shutdown the internet for an entire day. We also discuss Oliver Stone’s descent into beautiful insanity and reminisce about the underrated brilliance of Freddy Got Fingered.

Naturally, we finish things off with your emails and voicemails. Keep on Frotting and subscribe at if you want access to our extensive catalogue of bonus #Content. You can add it to your regular podcast feed! You’ll never be lonely when you have the Frotcast.

Frotcast 413: Midsommar And Why Johan Miranda Should Be Deported, With Joe Sinclitico

This week on the Frotcast, your fave Joe Sinclitico from Adam Devine’s House Party is back. And joining us for the first time, our old friend Johan Miranda, creator of “Why Johan Miranda Should Be Deported” and previously seen on Larry Charles’ Dangerous World Of Comedy. We discuss Midsommar, for some reason, and of course ask Johan about his show while chanting “SEND HIM BACK.” Luckily that still leaves lots of time for Joe to reminisce about the heyday of gonzo-style early aughts adult films, not to mention your voicemails and emails, and the Royalty Freestyle.

Listen now, and you too will find yourself saying “Yeah, give it to her, JJ.”

If you love it, subscribe to our Patreon. We’ve got tons of bonus content on there, including hundreds (citation needed) of episodes in which we specifically discuss movies. You can even add it to your regular podcast feed!

Enjoy and Frot on, you’ll never be lonely when you have the Frotcast.