Category Archives: comedy

TEASER: Frotcast 439, Rounding 4th Base With Both Joeys, Now Available On Patreon

ATTENTION: This full version of this podcast is now available to our Patrons! Become one now at! You can add our premium content to your regular podcast feed!

It’s always a treat for us when one of the several Joes or Joeys we know stops by to talk about movies and life and junk. That’s why this bonus episode of the Frotcast is the sweetest treat of all. This week, Joey Avery and Joey Devine zoom into the Frotquarters to compete for who is the ultimate Frotcast Joey. In many ways, this is your typical episode of the podcast. Unfortunately these are not normal times and protesters have taken to the streets because the police are 🎵still racist after all these years. Therefore, the subject of racist police brutality will be discussed by a bunch of white dudes which is grossly unfair. I’d like to think that we are at the very least doing our duty by discussing our role as white men in a racist society, but maybe that’s just wishful thinking.

Still, I think you’ll enjoy the episode as we talk about any number of subjects including online cancellations, shark pussy, and the national guard handing out old people pardons to Facebook dads who have been recently radicalized. It’s a somber but fun one.

TEASER – More ‘Uncle Bunky’ Stories With The Style Master

Chris Santa Maria’s obituary for his “Uncle Bunky,” which originally ran in the Arizona Republic, went viral last week, thanks to his uncle’s wonderful nicknames (“Mud Flap,” “Style Master”) and catchphrases (“Save it, clown.”). Santa Maria seemed to have a lot more Bunky stories, and a couple people urged me to have him on the Frotcast to tell them all. And that’s basically what I did! So here’s Chris, providing the backstory and all the Uncle Bunky stories (un)fit to print, including the stolen shotgun and getting thrown out of a NASCAR race. You’re welcome, Zeebos.

For the full interview, become a patron at

Frotcast 438: Stop In The Name Of Lum, With Jane Harrison And Jason Webb

The gang’s all back this week, including your regular hosts, Vince Mancini and Matt Lieb, plus your old pals Jane Harrison and Jason Webb. Jane, one of our first single guests since the quarantine, fills us in on the single life in USA quarantine ground zero, New York City, and how ladies are just peeing in the downstairs hallway now because there are no rules anymore. Meanwhile Jason Webb reveals his own pre-quarantine breakup and what it’s like trying to move on the first day of shelter in place. Vince talks about having to do a journalism on Richard Curtis and Matt explains how the movie ‘Yesterday’ actually stole his idea for a movie about John Lennon going back in time to steal all of George Harrison’s songs. I’m not sure what we talked about other than that, but there were surely a lot of terrible accents and impromptu songs. We hope you like it! Don’t forget to sign up for bonus content on Patreon,

Frotcast 437: 90-Day Quarantine Fiancée, With Joe Sinclitico

This week, the FilmDrunk Frotcast returns for another exciting Quarantine Era Zoom-cast, featuring comedian Joe Sinclitico (Adam Devine’s House Party, catering). Joe has some thoughts on 90 Day Fiancee, leading into a brand new Vince Segment, Vince’s Media Complaint Corner. This week I’m complaining about the new Netflix movie The Lovebirds, and the action-comedy concept in general. After that I get to Run, and how British writers can’t write American cops. Then I’m onto the Winds of Change podcast. After that, Matt regales us with stories from the recent “City Roast” he participated in, in which he represented San Francisco. Which brings us to Matt Lieb’s brand new character, “Roast Matt.” I have to say, Roast Matt is really mean. You probably wouldn’t want Roast Matt to meet your mother or girlfriend. Finally, Matt brings back the Royalty Freestyle. We have fun, we really do.

Frotcast 435: Name Of The Year Draft, With Laremy And Brendan

Every year, the fine folks over at Name Of The Year Draft release their March Madness bracket of the funniest real humans’ names that they’ve discovered over the course of the past year. Here at the Frotcast, we’ve been doing an annual name of the year draft based on those names for… God, at least eight or nine years now. Maybe a decade. Anyway, Name of the Year released their 2020 bracket this past week. It’s our favorite time of the year by far, and this year we brought back one of our Founding Frotters, Brendan, who gets more joy out of silly names than probably any human alive. Also joining for the draft is Laremy Legel, who has been guesting since Whoop Dreams.

Other topics include: Laremy’s vast tracts of lands, getting quarantine haircuts from your significant other, and your voicemails. But let’s be honest, you’re here for the name draft. Here are the squads:

Team Brendan
Rembertus Beerepoot
Mathdaniel Squirrel
Nazareth Pantaloni III
Carmelo Mustaccio
Gimadiah Scrogum
(from Vince) Dr. Floun’say Caver

Team Vince
Katie Smrcka-Duffy Fudd
Learjet De La Cruz
Hannah Moody-Goo
Gravity Goldberg
Dudley Onderdonk
(from Laremy) Robespierre Bolivar

Team Laremy
Kokaine Mothershed
Dhanmite Slappey
Lowell Snorff III
Courvoisier Dingle
Green Wix Unthank
(From Matt) Rod Ghods

Team Matt
Smoki Bacon
Zebulon Vermillion
Gennaro Bizzaro
Adolphus Hailstork
Stetson President
(from Brendan) Fatjon Cake

(Teaser) Frotcast 432: The Plague Curer, With Justin Halpern

We love you, Frotcast family, and thanks for all the support. This week’s episode will be available to our $5 patrons, which you can become at Admit it, you don’t want to miss a Justin Halpern episode.

Hey family, this week Matt and Vince welcome Justin Halpern (Shit My Dad Says, DC Universe’s Harley Quinn) back to the virtual frotquarters to catch up on life under quarantine. Justin presents his theory about a genre of film he has deemed “You Know What Would Be Fuckin Sick, Bro?” movies. These include the entire Fast & Furious franchise and pretty much any Michael Bay movie. They also discuss the black death and Europe’s very misguided attempts to end the plague through pogroms. Enjoy!

Frotcast 431: Laremy Is Back, And He Has A Coronavirus Quarantine List

Hey, all you Frotcast listeners out there who just keep on listening no matter how close humanity comes to complete obliteration! We’ve got another brilliant episode of your favorite podcast ready for your consumption. This week, Vince and Matt welcome Laremy Legel back into the virtual Frotquarters to check in with how he and his family are adjusting to sheltering in place. We discuss everything from the coronavirus, to the COVID 19 death count, to quarantine, to movies eventually. I swear, at some point we talk about movies. I don’t remember which movies but we definitely talked up a storm about them. At the very least, we discuss movie stars and other celebrities making a viral video of each of them singing John Lennon’s “Imagine” and how the internet unanimously decided it was bad and that they should feel shame. We pray that they do.

We also briefly talk about how Jared Leto was unaware of the pandemic because had been in a silent retreat for the past 12 days. His obliviousness to the species ending pandemic was a real highlight of our week. Madonna also had some thoughts. Finally, we read emails and listen to some amazing voicemails, including one from a listener who had a brief run in with Gary Busey. It’s fantastic.

Frotcast 430: Joe Sinclitico Marked Safe From Coronavirus

Hey everyone! Wow what a weird time to be alive (for now). As you are all probably aware, a virus has spread throughout the world that is threatening to kill our parents. And now that we are forced to stay inside our homes and think about what we did to deserve a mass extinction, we figured this is the perfect time to frot. This week, Matt and Vince welcome Frotcast legend Joe Sinclitico to the virtual Frotquarters to discuss his very recent decision to hide out from the virus at an undisclosed location in Washington state. In this episode, we discuss everything from coronavirus to quarantine to cancel culture to Corey Feldman.

If you are unfamiliar, Corey Feldman recently premiered a documentary about himself and Corey Haim called My Truth: The Rape of 2 Coreys – which you can read about here. We also discuss a recent article in The New Yorker in which Fiona Apple explains the exact moment that lead her to quitting cocaine – being stuck with a coked out Quentin Tarantino and Paul Thomas Anderson.

It’s a great episode of a great film podcast and you really should listen. Please patronize us at

Frotcast 429 – Glenn Danzig’s Albino Rape Spider w Grant Lyon

Hey ladies and fellas and everyone in! Time for another timely and regularly scheduled episode of the Filmdrunk Frotcast – the best podcast about movies ever made. This week, Matt and Vince welcome comedian Grant Lyon who not only knows Matt from the LA comedy scene but was also a fellow Banana Slug at UCSC. In this episode, Matt and Grant reminisce about a stand up comedy class at Santa Cruz and how it made them into the superstars they are today. Also, Vince explains Alex Jones’ DUI arrest and the new conspiracy theory that has cropped up behind it.

Finally, Matt and Vince discuss Glenn Danzig’s directorial debut film Verotika – a series of spooky vignettes that get progressively more lazy. The first and most robustly scripted vignette “The Albino Spider of Dajette” is about a big boobed Frenchwoman with eyes for nipples who cries on an albino spider causing it to transform into a man-sized albino spider who rapes and murders women whenever the Frenchwoman falls asleep. It’s hard to describe how bad this movie is without comparing it to the best bad movie of all time The Room. While Verotika is no Room, the albino rape spider is not far behind.

You can rent Verotika on YouTube or Amazon Prime now, or you could wait a couple of months for someone to leak “The Albino Spider of Dajette” on to liveleak or pornhub or something. Please pay us at


Unlocked: The Ben Tribute Episode

For those of you who just started listening to the Frotcast (is that a thing? do those people exist? I hope so), you may have never heard our original host, Ben Kaplan. Ben, our motorcyclin’ ridin’ (true), ear rapin’ (according to our first negative iTunes review) Frotcast co-founder (the podcast was literally his idea, discussed with Brendan, Bret, and I at the Horseshoe bar in San Francisco) died of cancer in December 2017. He’d gotten diagnosed a few years before that, at which point he swore off work forever like a true king and traveled the world for a while. He wrote all about it, you can still get his book on Kindle. So in 2018, we got the original Frotcast gang back together — Brendan and Bret, plus original super guest, Laremy, and eventual Frotcast regular Matt Lieb (both of whom would star in Whoop Dreams, the Gathering of the Juggalos documentary we Kickstarted in 2013 — Ben actually got his initial diagnosis right after we got home), for a Ben Tribute episode.

Today would’ve been Ben’s 41st birthday, so in honor of that I thought I’d put the Ben Tribute episode on the free feed. Fun fact: Schnitzel Bob’s fan-fiction in the comments section of the original post still makes me cry. That’s how dumb our lives are, and I thank you all for that from the bottom of my heart. It was a weird idea, playing clips of us while we recorded ourselves listening to it. Honestly, I probably wouldn’t put it on my podcasting reel. But it was worth it to hear the old clips of Ben. With all the hours of audio we have of him, you’d think we could just listen for hours and hours. But I still haven’t, it’s too hard. Maybe someday. For now it’s nice to go down memory lane at least once a year. Thanks for listening to whatever the hell it is we’ve been doing all these years. We love you all. Matt and I will be back with a regular episode later this week.