387: Digimon Honsoup, With Matt Christman And Jeff May

This week on the Frotcast, Matt Christman from Chapo Trap House and statuesque comedian Jeff May join Matt and Vince in the Frotquarters to discuss Same Kind Of Different As Me, the faith-based magical negro drama starring Greg Kinnear and Djimon Honsou (originally set to be released by Paramount then dropped, now available on Netflix). That’s the one where “international art dealer” Ron Hall of Texas cheated on his wife, then had to work in a homeless shelter as penance, where he met a homeless black man his wife had seen in a dream. The homeless man, Denver Moore, taught everyone a valuable lesson while Hall’s wife conveniently died of cancer, leaving him to write the self-serving memoir about it. From the same ghostwriter of Heaven is for Real! We discuss Djimon Honsou’s curious casting as a 70-year-old Cajun man, and why every rich white guy feels compelled to write a memoir about making a black friend. Jeff tells a story about delivering gold for the author of A Million Little Pieces, and Matt Christman talks about the Trump Prophecy and the Chapo book tour. Enjoy, Frot on, and please support our Patreon so Matt Lieb can afford new socks.