Tag Archives: Afghanistan

[UNLOCKED] Frotcast 484 – Free Guy More Like Free… Afghanistan w Joe Sinclitico

Time for your favorite podcast about movies and things. This week Matt and Vince are once again joined by Joe Sinclitico to talk about Afganistan, food trucks, Megan Markle and  Harry’s opinions about stuff, Lady Gaga’s dog walker and much more. Plus, Matt and Vince discuss “Free Guy” with Ryan Reynolds, a whole movie about an NPC. It’s a fun one. Enjoy! I’m gonna eat dinner now. Bye.

ANNOUNCEMENT! And Frotcast teaser about Afghanistan and Free Guy

Hey everyone, just a quick announcement that we are doing another fabulous mailbag episode of Pod Yourself A Gun next week and we need all of your emails and voicemails immediately! Just send your emails to frotcast@gmail.com or send a voicemail to 415.275.0030. Do it now! You’ll love it.

Also, here’s teaser for this week’s Filmdrunk Frotcast which you can listen to right now on Patreon! So subscribe now!