Category Archives: comedy

Bad Comedy Men, With Drew Magary – 351

Columnist Drew Magary wrote in GQ this week, “Why are all the comedy men so awful?” And was immediately deluged with indignant comedy men, averring that they were not defensive. “I am not mad, I am actually laughing.” Questions remain. Is comedy especially bad or just a symptom of society? Did comedians screw up or did we screw up pretending they were sage truth tellers? Is a laugh an endorsement of a higher truth, or the teller’s personal life? And hey, what’s the deal with airline food? Comedians Matt Lieb and Joe Sinclitico also join, to talk Louis CK, the season finale of Nathan for You, the latest creepo allegations — against Sylvester Stallone — and answer your emails. Donate at Patreon dot com slash Frotcast, email us at frotcast at g mail dot com. Frot on! 

4:36 – Drew’s article and the blowback

8:35 – Matt Lieb joins

39:27 – Talking the Nathan For Your Season Finale

46:00 – Email questions

1:08:00 – Joe runs down the Sylvester Stallone allegations

350: Celebrity Neighbor Feuds, with Matt Ufford

This week on the Frotcast, SB Nation’s Matt Ufford joins us to recap the week in movies, discuss Rand Paul’s BRUTAL NEIGHBOR FEUD (as well as recap some past celebrity neighbor feuds), get Orange County PTSD with the Dirty John podcast (“a Californians sketch on Klonopin), and finish things off with some Royalty Freestyle. Matt Lieb and Brendan join Vince in the studio. Donate at Patreon dot slash frotcast.

349: Shills Inherit the Earth

From The Fat Jew on the TRL reboot to Thor: Ragnarok (my 110% spoiler-free review), this week on the Frotcast, we ponder a future (or a present, really) where repping for the big #brands is the only way to eat. Matt Lieb and Joey Avery join Vince Mancini this week, where, naturally, there’s also lots of news to discuss on the Hollywood Sexual Harassment front. Kevin Spacey, Andy Dick, Jeremy Piven… who’s the next Hollywood personality to screw up? Should we start a pool? All that, plus a Sebastian Gorka update, on this week’s Frotcast. Donate at Patreon dot com slash Frotcast.

2:00 – Reeling from the TRL reboot

13:00 – An extremely non-spoilery review of Thor: Ragnarok

22:00 – The Hollywood sexual harassment update, first up, Kevin Spacey

36:19 – Sebastian Gorka can’t park

45:00 – Matt feels bad for Osama Bin Laden

52:07 – Hollywood harassment part 2: Andy Dick edition

1:15:30 – Hollywood harassment update part 3: Jeremy Piven edition

348: Paul Shirley and King Arthur

Ex-NBA player Paul Shirley joins the Frotcast this week to talk about his new book, plus, we discuss Guy Ritchie’s KING ARTHUR and do the internet’s first live podcast review of “Doughp,” San Francisco’s first “hip hop-themed cookie dough kiosk.” Matt Lieb and Vince are in studio. We also talk Stephen Dorff, Pauly Shore, PFT Commenter, and George Bush Sr. groping women. Frot on and enjoy, donate at Patreon Dot Com Slash FROTCAST. 

347: Blade Runner (1982) With Ed Zitron

If you like timely pegs for classic movies, you’ll love this week’s Frotcast about the 1982 Ridley Scott classic, Blade Runner. Comedian Allison Mick calls it the “un-fun Fifth Element,” while Twitter’s favorite PR man Ed Zitron defends Harrison Ford’s extremely laconic voice over. Comedian Joey Avery just tries to get a word in every now and then. We also talk Harvey Weinstein and Terry Crews (and Rob Schneider and Seth MacFarlane), and Eminem’s Trump diss track. It’s extremely #content and incredibly blah blah blah. It’s not our best work but it’s free. 

346: The Year Of Hollywood Sex Scandals

What do Harvey Weinstein, Harry Knowles, the leader of a vegan mayo cult, and Juggalos have in common? Well, probably nothing except that they’re all #content on this week’s Frotcast. Every week we try to be Ira Glass and we end up Harry Carey. But hey, that’s why you love us, right, 13 remaining listeners?! Jk, jk, it’s a great show. Comedian Joey Avery and Jane Harrison are in the studio this week, with Matt Lieb (LA Matt) and Vince Mancini. Donate at, Frot on and enjoy and please Frot responsibly.

345: Dave Lozo on The Accountant

With Allison Mick stuck in traffic, we’ve got Dave Lozo joining Vince and Matt Lieb on the Frotcast this week, to discuss the Tomb Raider remake, JJ Abrams, Sean Spicer at the Emmys, Hillary Clinton’s terrible book, THE ACCOUNTANT, and Lawrence O’Donnel’s Bill O’Reilly’style freakout. And of course, we finish things off with a round of the Royalty Freestyle, with Matt improvising songs for Patreon donors Jon G and Dan L. Enjoy, and Frot on! Donate at

6:52 – The Dave Lozo career arc
10:00 – A TOMB RAIDER remake! Sure, why not.
15:33 – JJ Abrams directing STAR WARS EPISODE IX
19:30 – Sean Spicer at the Emmys-gate
38:10 – Matt and Dave have terrible opinions about BABY DRIVER
40:09 – Hillary Clinton loves Goldfish crackers! So relatable.
47:30 – An important update about “Doughp”, San Francisco’s first hip hop themed cookie dough restaurant
1:12:52 – Lawrence O’Donnell freak out

344: Bodega, Ted Cruz And Charlie Sheen’s Respective 9/11s

Matt Lieb and Joey Avery are in the Frotquarters this week, to discuss the “new” Bodega app, the Charlie Sheen ‘9/11’ movie, and of course, Ted Cruz cranking his hog. There’s also San Francisco’s “hip hop themed cookie dough kiosk,” and the return of “millennial comedian”/fascinating sociopath Dan Nainan. We also do a call-in with Frotcast Hurricane Correspondent Ashley Burns, who gives us a first-hand account of his brush with Hurricane Irma, and the five racist signs you meet in Florida. It’s a double episode loaded with #Content! Enjoy, frot on, and donate at

1:30 – Ted Cruz cranking his hog
4:39 – Discussing BODEGA, the start up that’s going to make mom-and-pop stores obsolute by re-inventing the vending machine.
11:13 – This week’s first character, Chapstick Robot
17:34 – Far worse than Bodega, it’s Doughp, San Francisco’s hip hop cookie dough shop.
28:10 – I’m leaving Chicago
46:33 – Discussing Charlie Sheen’s ‘9/11,
59:00 – Hurricane Correspondent Ashley Burns with his first-hand report on Florida livin’.
1:12:40 – The return of “Millennial Comedian” Dan Nainan!
1:40:11 – Matt Lieb’s advice for a listener trying to get a brother to quit heroin.

343: The Unified Theory Of Taylor Swift

This week on the Frotcast, Justin Halpern joins for a quick story about his friend farting in Anne C0ulter’s drink one time. Then comedians Joey Avery and Allison Mick join Vince Mancini in the studio, to interview Steve Bramucci about dragging Vince to Oregon Eclipse Festival/Symbiosis/Burning Man lite, as well as his new book, Danger Gang and the Pirates of Borneo, and the time he hitchhiked through Australia and almost got murdered by a drug dealer during a shark dive. Then, official Frotcast Taylor Swift correspondent Allison gives us her unified theory of Taylor Swift. Donate at Patreon dot com slash Frotcast.

00:00 – Justin Halpern’s story about his friend farting in Anne C0ulter’s drink
9:30 – MOVIE NEWS! The all-female Lord of the Flies remake, Ed Skrein dropping out of Hellboy because of white washing
20:00 – Uproxx Life editor and author of Danger Gang and the Pirates of Borneo Steve Bramucci joins us
34:28 – Steve’s story about thinking he was going to get murdered by an Australian drug kingpin
47:17 – Allison Mick’s Unified Theory of Taylor Swift
1:10:10 – The Black Bloc vs Neo-Nazis, and not feeding the trolls vs. zero tolerance.

342: Ed Zitron And ‘Lucy’

Luc Besson’s filmography includes such classics as La Femme Nikita, The Professional, The 5th Element, and… uh… Lucy, that one where Scarlett Johansson accidentally ingests some drugs and becomes the human embodiment of the galaxy brain meme. You know how you can only use 10% of your brain? What if Scarlett Johansson could use 100%? Self-hating PR pro Ed Zitron joins Brendan, Matt, and Vince this week as the Frotcast’s first British guest (citation needed?). Other topics include crying Nazis, Tales from NPR, and the Royalty Freestyle. Donate at PATREON DOT COM SLASH FROTCAST! Thanks and Frot on.

00:00 – Talking ‘Lucy’

29:00 – Tales from NPR (PRI, in this case, but whatev): The worst podcast ad ever

35:00 – Crying Nazis

1:20:00 – The Royalty Freestyle, with Matt Lieb