Monthly Archives: June 2020

TEASER: Frotcast 441, Laremy Is Ir-RESIST-ible


This week on the Frotcast, ex-film critic, author of ‘Film Critic,’ and star of ‘Whoop Dreams’ Laremy Legel rejoins Matt and Vince in the Zoom Frotquarters to discuss Jon Stewart’s new movie IRRESISTiBLE, starring  Steve Carell and Rose Byrne as dueling political consultants who wage proxy war in a Wisconsin town. At first we were like “why the hell is this movie called ‘Irresistible?’ But then the title comes up at the end with some creative typography and we were like “Oohhh, that’s why it’s called Irresistible.”

Aaaanyway, we discuss our historic love of Jon Stewart and debate why this movie is getting such bad reviews. On one level, it’s kind of a good movie masquerading as a bad one for two acts, and you could argue that’s a weird move, but on another level it seems like certain people disliked it because it committed some sin against media orthodoxy by pointing out the Democrats are also bad. GRR, BOTH SIDESISM! Anyway, Rose Byrne is great.

After that we discuss Matt getting mistaken for the worst #resistance grifter and whether Alex Jones is actually Dan Carlin’s Wario.

Frotcast 440: You Can’t Afford Jeremy Piven, With Allison Mick

In this week’s Frotcast, Allison Mick returns to the Frot. We discuss my awkward interview with Steve Guttenberg, the pile on over Chris D’Elia (alleged sex pest), and Jeremy Piven’s exhorbitant price for a Zoom call. Oh, and we’re celebrating 10 years of the Frot! In true Frotcast fashion, we didn’t realize it was our 10 year anniversary until almost the very end, and it took us until two days after the actual anniversary to post the show. How on brand is that? Anyway, God bless all of you for sticking with us, and to the newcomers we love you too. So far we’ve only had one host die so I think we’re doing pretty good. Here’s to another 10 years (KILL ME).

Subscribe To The Frotcast Patreon,

Howdy, Frotcast fans. We’ll have a brand new free episode up for you shortly, but we just wanted to remind everyone that we have tons of content for our Patreon subscribers, including a review of The King of Staten Island, a new Frot about which celebs got canceled on Blackout Tuesday with Joey and Joey, another with Kaseem and Jessica, and my interview with the guy who wrote the viral obituary for his uncle. So much good stuff! You should subscribe right now, or else you will regret it for the rest of your life and probably die unhappy. I hate to do a hard sell but it’s true. Subscribe To The Frotcast Patreon, at

Teaser: King Of Staten Island Bonus Review, Plus JK Rowling And Ice Cube

This week’s Frotcast is available on Patreon! Subscribe now to hear the rest of this show and a veritable mountain of bonus content. You can add our premium content to your regular podcast feed! Subscribe at, tell your friends.

In this week’s bonus Frotcast, I had to watch The King Of Staten Island because I’m a movie critic so I forced Matt to watch it with me. Sometimes being a movie critic doesn’t feel like work and other times Spike Lee and Judd Apatow both release 140-minute+ movies on the same weekend. PITY ME! Matt and I discuss Pete Davidson, how this movie could’ve been better, Bill Burr’s shockingly good performance, and why movies always want us to think 20-something year old adult men care who their mom is dating. Gross, man, come on. And then, just when you think we’re through, nope, we got more to talk about. Like, did Ice Cube fall down an Anti-Semitic conspiracy theory rabbit hole this week? And does Just Kidding Rowling, aka JK Rowling coming out as a transphobe retroctively validate us never giving a shit about Harry Potter? There are a couple of accents and everything is pretty dumb but hopefully you don’t have anything better to do and that’s why we love you. Please to enjoy.

TEASER: Frotcast 439, Rounding 4th Base With Both Joeys, Now Available On Patreon

ATTENTION: This full version of this podcast is now available to our Patrons! Become one now at! You can add our premium content to your regular podcast feed!

It’s always a treat for us when one of the several Joes or Joeys we know stops by to talk about movies and life and junk. That’s why this bonus episode of the Frotcast is the sweetest treat of all. This week, Joey Avery and Joey Devine zoom into the Frotquarters to compete for who is the ultimate Frotcast Joey. In many ways, this is your typical episode of the podcast. Unfortunately these are not normal times and protesters have taken to the streets because the police are 🎵still racist after all these years. Therefore, the subject of racist police brutality will be discussed by a bunch of white dudes which is grossly unfair. I’d like to think that we are at the very least doing our duty by discussing our role as white men in a racist society, but maybe that’s just wishful thinking.

Still, I think you’ll enjoy the episode as we talk about any number of subjects including online cancellations, shark pussy, and the national guard handing out old people pardons to Facebook dads who have been recently radicalized. It’s a somber but fun one.

TEASER – More ‘Uncle Bunky’ Stories With The Style Master

Chris Santa Maria’s obituary for his “Uncle Bunky,” which originally ran in the Arizona Republic, went viral last week, thanks to his uncle’s wonderful nicknames (“Mud Flap,” “Style Master”) and catchphrases (“Save it, clown.”). Santa Maria seemed to have a lot more Bunky stories, and a couple people urged me to have him on the Frotcast to tell them all. And that’s basically what I did! So here’s Chris, providing the backstory and all the Uncle Bunky stories (un)fit to print, including the stolen shotgun and getting thrown out of a NASCAR race. You’re welcome, Zeebos.

For the full interview, become a patron at