Tag Archives: Jason Webb

Frotcast 409: Pray The Warts Away, With Jason Webb

Ask and you shall receive: back by popular demand on this week’s Frotcast, it’s Joe Sinclitico. Joe is freshly engaged to be married (!!!), which doesn’t stop him from talking about his stint as a porn cameraman in his mid 20s (another listener-requested story). Comedian Jason Webb is also joining us this week, talking about his preacher father, his North Carolina upbringing, and the incredible story of the time a man used prayer to cure his plantar wart (you have to hear this one).

We also talk the best Tom Selleck movies, and of course Game Of Thrones. We answer all the burning questions, like whether Bran is the Night King and which Stark kid is the best. Is Game Of Thrones the best normie-approved cultural phenomenon we can hope for? Or is it the cultural juggernaut known as the FilmDrunk Frotcast? As always, subscribe to our Patreon for this week’s bonus content and leave us a review on iTunes (and thanks for the recent ones, you guys).

You’ll never be lonely when you have the Frotcast.