Tag Archives: Dennis Rodman

TEASER: Live Riff of Double Team, Get It On Patreon!

This bonus episode of the FilmDrunk Frotcast is available exclusively to our $20 Patreon subscribers. You can add our premium content to your regular podcast feed!

This month on the Frotcast, for our live riff episode (in which we do commentary over a B-movie, an idea that has never before been attempted), we’ve chosen the 1997 action classic Double Team. It stars the extremely then-current combination of Dennis Rodman and Jean Claude Van Damme — the Worm and The Muscles From Brussels, together at last. Will there be basketball jokes? Will there be an excruciatingly long training montage in which Jean Claude Van Damme does the splits for some reason? Look, I don’t want to spoil it. Joining us this week is your old friend Joe Sinclitico (Adam Devine’s House Party, Comedy Juice).

Double Team, which definitely sounds like a pornographic movie title, is available to stream for free on Showtime or for $2.99 on Amazon Prime. We didn’t want you to have to spend additional money on it but I think you’ll agree that this was a hard target to pass up. Ooh, Hard Target, that’s another solid Van Dmme title.  Fodder for next month’s live riff, perhaps? Anyway, massive thanks to our premium subscribers for whom all this is possible and without whom we would not do it. Tell your dumb friends to subscribe at patreon.com/frotcast, so they too might sup from the goblet of live riffs.